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I hope people realise the "arab spring" is bad news for us.

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The likes of Gaddafi and Mubarak did the west a favour by supressing their people, making them live simply, leaving the worlds resources to be exploited mainly by us in the west, fairly cheeply


Fear not, given the depth and breadth of government cuts, combined with the latest rises in unempolyment, it won't be long before 40% of the UK is living on less than $1 a day too :hihi:

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Britain produces enough oil to keep nearly 70% of Britain alive.But our government will continue to buy abroad and charge us big bucks.


The reason they charge big bucks is because of the excessive fuel tax in the UK at around 60% of the cost, despite where the fuel comes from. Its the market traders and speculators that determine the end cost before that tax is added.

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From a selfish point of view, this recent wave of uprisings in the arab world against repressive regimes is bad news for us in terms of fuel prices, energy and food costs etc. The likes of Gaddafi and Mubarak did the west a favour by supressing their people, making them live simply, leaving the worlds resources to be exploited mainly by us in the west, fairly cheeply; but now the people of the arab world want to live like westerners, and if these revolutions are succesful, they may just get their wish, so there will be more demand for resources making them more expensive for everyone.


The west must be mad getting involved in these uprisings :loopy:


People in India and China want a rise in standard of living as well. The effects of their populations will dwarf those of the recently liberated Arab nations.


Gaddafi and Mubarak suppressing their own people also created an environment where Islamic extremists could gain support by blaming the west for their problems because of the support we gave to their oppressors. I'm not sure why you think that helps the west.

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Gaddafi and Mubarak suppressing their own people also created an environment where Islamic extremists could gain support by blaming the west for their problems because of the support we gave to their oppressors. I'm not sure why you think that helps the west.


I'm not sure why the question of what helps the West is even relevant to this subject. The rise of Arab democracy is intended to help the Arabs, and that alone is good and sufficient reason to support it. Indeed, there cannot be any superior reason to make anyone oppose it.

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I'm not sure why the question of what helps the West is even relevant to this subject. The rise of Arab democracy is intended to help the Arabs, and that alone is good and sufficient reason to support it. Indeed, there cannot be any superior reason to make anyone oppose it.


I'd certainly agree with that.


My post was intended to point out to the OP that their view of supporting dictators does not necessarily benefit the west in the long run.

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The arab dictators didn't make oil any cheaper. They're all in OPEC which is a cartel that exists to fix high oil prices by limiting production.


If the newly-liberated arab people want a better life then they only way they are going to get the money to fund that is by selling more oil, by increasing production, which should help to lower prices.


Democracy spreading to more parts of the world makes us all richer in the long run.

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eventually, it will be the Arab/Muslim powers that will benefit the most, from the Arab spring. More than the western powers.


that is exactly what it was supposed to be about.

The young muslims in these countries that have gained their freedom will refuse to go back to the 13th century ways of before, they now know through the internet, mobile phones and people returning from exile how wrong the radical islamists have been letting themselves be used by the likes in Gaddaffi, Osama Bin Liner etc.

The younger muslims have seen how the other half live, do you think they'll accept going back 800/900 years.

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