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Is anyone going to the EDL do in London tomorrow?

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Did you post on my EDL thread earlier today?


It seems to have vanished! :suspect:


John X


I did reply before but my internet connection is pretty poor and it looks like it didn't get through as I can't see my post now.

A few anti right wing threads have been deleted without explanation.

I've noticed threads tend to get locked if they drop to simple arguments but these were simply deleted.

An explanation from the mod responsible would be both polite and informative.

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I did reply before but my internet connection is pretty poor and it looks like it didn't get through as I can't see my post now.

A few anti right wing threads have been deleted without explanation.

I've noticed threads tend to get locked if they drop to simple arguments but these were simply deleted.

An explanation from the mod responsible would be both polite and informative.

if you have a problem with moderating on here use the contact us on the left of the screen :hihi:
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The EDL plan to go ahead with a static protest which might be a problem for those too drunk to stand still and those who like to flex their right arms in homage to the former Fuhrer of Nazi Germany. But at least their travel problems have been solved by buying Nick Grifin's Skoda off the bailliffs. They'll all fit in that.

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The EDL plan to go ahead with a static protest which might be a problem for those too drunk to stand still


The police have actually agreed this static protest with the EDL and have stipulated certain 'muster points' to facilitate them being escorted to and from the rally.


Unfortunately the muster points are all pubs who have closed their doors to the EDL once they found out about it and Sainsbury's have told them they cannot use their car park for the rally. Rather than the great anti-Islamic battle that Sir Tommy has predicted, the people of Tower Hamlets, young and old, black and white will be laughing at this ludicrous 'crusade' into their 'hartland'.


The more serious discussion, which was the topic of my deleted thread is. will this be a disaster too far for the EDL whose supporters have been promised much by the leadership but have seen very little delivered?


The Combined Ex-Forces (Cxf) have been alienated by the leadership whose 'Commander in Chief' was involved in the attack on a Plymouth Kebab shop in July. Many members have expressed disquiet that the EDL leadership has cut the Plymouth Division adrift once their members were charged by the police while at the same time calling on members to support Sir Tommy Robinson Yaxley-Lennon's latest court appearence for assault/football hooligan-related offences.


He has also said he will break his bail conditions to attend today's protest and will almost certainly arrested if he does. If he doesn't he will lose even more credibility with the ordinary supporter.


John X

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As this is a thread about the EDL, it is not really a place to discuss the moderation of the forum. However, there were good reasons for the threads/posts in question being removed and if anyone wants to find out, we are happy to explain at the Helpdesk.


The EDL is a valid subject to discuss and this thread will stay open provided people follow forum rules. Those rules include not insulting other members, even if they have opinions you find offensive. Attack the post but not the poster.


Please don't use this thread to ask any more questions about moderation - keep to the topic in hand.


Thank you.

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I wonder where my last post and mafya's last post has gone? :suspect:


John X


Serously this place gets confusing at times.

Posts just vanish without explanation.

On no other fora ive visted does this happen.

Im not sure its a mod thing though. Maybe its a software issue with the forum.

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