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Is anyone going to the EDL do in London tomorrow?

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Serously this place gets confusing at times.

Posts just vanish without explanation.

On no other fora ive visted does this happen.

Im not sure its a mod thing though. Maybe its a software issue with the forum.


I have had a few posts disappear off this forum. It must be a software thing.


P.S. Mods I am not talking about deleted posts/threads. Oops I typed deleted. That’s torn it.

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P.S. Mods I am not talking about deleted posts/threads. Oops I typed deleted. That’s torn it.


And this is one of the reasons posts and threads get deleted. I specifically asked for this thread not to be used to discuss moderation, yet it seems my request has been ignored.


Please now take note and get back to the topic in hand.

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Given that a fair few EDL supporters post on here, will any of you be going to Tower Hamlets tomorrow?


By all accounts it looks like the whole thing is going to be a disaster for the EDL with people pulling out left, right and centre and many buses having to be cancelled due to such little interest that even deposits for the coaches can't be paid. Coupled with that, the march has been banned and most of the pubs being used as 'muster points' have closed for the day and even Sainsbury's whose car park was to be used for the 'rally' have told them that they are not welcome.


Are there any EDL supporters that have decided not to go, who and would like to explain why not on here, especially as the organisation will probably collapse within a month if only a couple of hundred turn up tomorrow when they are expecting 2,500?


John X


I put my efforts into supporting UKIP.:D

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So given that the mods have said we can discuss the EDL, are there any supporters on this forum who want to join this discussion and either stick up for the EDL or say why they think Sir Tommy is running it into the ground?


Every week or so we get some thread or other complaining that foreigners get all the jobs or some Islamic scholar is being given a council grant to set up Jihad classes in the local Town Hall. But posting a link to the Daily Mail and running away is not actually engaging in debate, is it?


Others will try to put forward the argument that immigration is the single most important challenge facing Britain today. But with the electoral collapse of UKIP and the BNP and the EDL decending into a farcical bunfight isn't the truth that there are more important things to worry about in the UK today.


Glamrocker may still have his 'population the size of London' signature after all his posts but the question now is 'Does anyone really care?"


We welcome your comments. :)


John X

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I put my efforts into supporting UKIP.:D


With all the problems we have in the worst recession for decades, do you think that concentrating on a single issue campaign is the way forward?


Doesn't it just divert the attention away from those who are really causing harm and upset to our economy?


John X

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The EDL and also the BNP rely on publicity generated by people like the OP ,knee jerk reactions that once again thrust them into the spotlight ,this thread is a perfect example,as far as I was concerned on reading the news the marches had been banned now it seems there is still to be a demonstration ,if this hadnt been publicised on this forum I, and I doubt many others would have been none the wiser,the publicity dept of the EDL couldnt have done a better job if they had tried,at least not as cheaply .Makes me wonder about the agenda of some people,they say they detest the EDL and BNP yet they are first in line to advertise there actions.Personally I dont care who marches where ,the EDL ,the BNP ,the UAF or even the ICF and the SCC they are all from the same mould although the ICF by all accounts are a little more intelligent.maybe the NIMBYS will put their marching boots on one today..now that would be worth seeing

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The EDL and also the BNP rely on publicity generated by people like the OP


They must be absolutely desperate then, if that is the case!


Hmm. :suspect: Interesting theory that we can't discuss the far-right because it may give it publicity that it wouldn't otherwise get. I doubt that anyone has gone to London this morning because I started a thread yesterday claiming that this weekend could see the end of the EDL as we know it.


In fact there is one person who definitely won't be going to Tower Hamlets (or any other EDL brawl) after reading something I posted on the now deleted thread!


The far-right is fast becoming a joke in this country but that is never an excuse for complacency.


As I asked you before, are you still proud to be a nationalist? :D


John X

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I did reply before but my internet connection is pretty poor and it looks like it didn't get through as I can't see my post now.

A few anti right wing threads have been deleted without explanation.

I've noticed threads tend to get locked if they drop to simple arguments but these were simply deleted.

An explanation from the mod responsible would be both polite and informative.


I had a thread deleted about John Cleese saying london doesnt feel english,no explanation just deleted,you can see why some dont bother anymore.

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nightlight59, have you read my two previous posts on this thread? The correct place to discuss moderation is with the Admin Team at the Helpdesk, not on a thread which is supposed to be about an EDL event.


I have just checked and cannot see your Helpdesk ticket waiting for a reply at this point in time.

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