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Is anyone going to the EDL do in London tomorrow?

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I had a thread deleted about John Cleese saying london doesnt feel english,no explanation just deleted,you can see why some dont bother anymore.


To be fair, that was a particularly crap thread that attracted the usual racist ranting and raving!


I'd say it was banned not so much out of political bias but in the interest of good taste!


John X

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They must be absolutely desperate then, if that is the case!


Hmm. :suspect:Interesting theory that we can't discuss the far-right because it may give it publicity that it wouldn't otherwise get. I doubt that anyone has gone to London this morning because I started a thread yesterday claiming that this weekend could see the end of the EDL as we know it.


In fact there is one person who definitely won't be going to Tower Hamlets (or any other EDL brawl) after reading something I posted on the now deleted thread!


The far-right is fast becoming a joke in this country but that is never an excuse for complacency.


As I asked you before, are you still proud to be a nationalist? :D


John X

Whats to discuss ? a gang of idiots meeting up for a drink filled afternoon thats it then surely. as for your reference to a brawl,it takes two to have a fight but I agree the thugs on the other side ,the UAF , will certainly put their two pennworth in,there you are we have discussed it ,I cant see any more to add ..two gangs march ,or not in this case,two gangs meet up,handbags at 10 paces ..discussion over

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I wonder where my last post and mafya's last post has gone? :suspect:


John X


You really are obsessed with the EDL. aren't you John? They're all you seem to want to talk about. So in regards to publicising them, they've won. Hook line and sinker..:hihi:


You remind me of a small boy in a playground who's fond of a little girl. He taps her and runs away, he's always claiming he doesn't like her and deriding her to friends. But the fact is he likes her.


Now John, what of this obsession with young men dressed in designer clothes. Do you have something you'd like to share? Maybe you could start a thread in the "Dear Forum" section if you want you're obsession kept quiet...:love:


As for your posts being deleted and threads closed. It may be news to you and your like, but unfortunately, you are quiet capable of posting left wing untrue drivel, much like the right.

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Whats to discuss ? a gang of idiots meeting up for a drink filled afternoon thats it then surely.


If you actually read my posts properly you'd see that the thread is an attempt to discuss the current problems of the far right in Britain, using the likely dismal failure of this weekend's event in London as an example.


As an idealogical fellow traveller I'd have thought you would have something to say on the subject other than 'we shouldn't be discussing this'


John X

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With all the problems we have in the worst recession for decades, do you think that concentrating on a single issue campaign is the way forward?


Doesn't it just divert the attention away from those who are really causing harm and upset to our economy?


John X

Can't the same be said for pursuing what seems (to others) to be a rather obsessive single-issue campaign of EDL/BNP-bashing, when there are many other issues the nation need support with?


Perhaps such anti right wing campaigners could make better use of their feverish passions and energies by doing some charity work instead?

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Can't the same be said for pursuing what seems (to others) to be a rather obsessive single-issue campaign of EDL/BNP-bashing, when there are many other issues the nation need support with?


Perhaps such anti right wing campaigners could make better use of their feverish passions and energies by doing some charity work instead?


He'll disappear with his tail between his legs again soon.


It's a mystery why someone would keep volunteering themselves for a good kicking, week after week....:hihi:

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when there are many other issues the nation need support with?


There certainly are and I am involved with a lot of them, mainly through my trade union.


But an important issue is that a significant minority seem to have been blinded to the real ills of this country because it is much easier to just blame the immigrants.


That is something I think bears repeating especially on a forum in a county that has the dubious honour of being the only one in the UK to return two fascist MEPs.


John X

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You really are obsessed with the EDL. aren't you John? They're all you seem to want to talk about. So in regards to publicising them, they've won. Hook line and sinker..:hihi:


You remind me of a small boy in a playground who's fond of a little girl. He taps her and runs away, he's always claiming he doesn't like her and deriding her to friends. But the fact is he likes her.


Now John, what of this obsession with young men dressed in designer clothes. Do you have something you'd like to share? Maybe you could start a thread in the "Dear Forum" section if you want you're obsession kept quiet...:love:


As for your posts being deleted and threads closed. It may be news to you and your like, but unfortunately, you are quiet capable of posting left wing untrue drivel, much like the right.

All unfair and untrue Frank.


The left-biased media and its disciples on SF can speak only in sacred truth, whereas anything slightly right of Socialist Worker is full of vitriolic lies made up by jack-booted fascists to brainwash middle Britain. Mind you, anybody who reads a tabloid other than SW or the Guardian is a goose-stepping Nazi-lover anyway - at least that's what we're told by the lefties on SF.


Funny, I usually buy the Daily Telegraph but do note the overall demeanour of people who buy the Mail and Express in my local newsagent. I'm invariably disappointed, because my learnings on SF are that they are all right-wing hate-mongers. So, imaging my disappointment when I see the Mail bought by very normal-looking cleanly-dressed chap who has left his spaniel on a lead outside the shop, or a sweet-faced little old lady who also buys a pint of milk.

Neither of them drove to the shop in Tiger tanks, or were wearing Freddie Star wellies with swastikas. They also don’t look like the sort of people to have joined the EDL recently.


But then, the BNP and EDL are just tiny groups of misguided fools who, as you point out, thrive on the publicity they gain from equally (if not more so) misguided fools who obsess over them.

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