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Is anyone going to the EDL do in London tomorrow?

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Not me Smithy, I knew you were doing a bit of leg pulling as per usual.:thumbsup:


But was he?


Mind you, anybody who reads a tabloid other than SW or the Guardian is a goose-stepping Nazi-lover anyway - at least that's what we're told by the lefties on SF.




John X

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All unfair and untrue Frank.


The left-biased media and its disciples on SF can speak only in sacred truth, whereas anything slightly right of Socialist Worker is full of vitriolic lies made up by jack-booted fascists to brainwash middle Britain. Mind you, anybody who reads a tabloid other than SW or the Guardian is a goose-stepping Nazi-lover anyway - at least that's what we're told by the lefties on SF.


Funny, I usually buy the Daily Telegraph but do note the overall demeanour of people who buy the Mail and Express in my local newsagent. I'm invariably disappointed, because my learnings on SF are that they are all right-wing hate-mongers. So, imaging my disappointment when I see the Mail bought by very normal-looking cleanly-dressed chap who has left his spaniel on a lead outside the shop, or a sweet-faced little old lady who also buys a pint of milk.

Neither of them drove to the shop in Tiger tanks, or were wearing Freddie Star wellies with swastikas. They also don’t look like the sort of people to have joined the EDL recently.


But then, the BNP and EDL are just tiny groups of misguided fools who, as you point out, thrive on the publicity they gain from equally (if not more so) misguided fools who obsess over them.


I think, with some, the tendency is to fall further to the right with age. If you're not a socialist by the time you're 21, there's something wrong with your heart. If you're still a socialist by the time you're 31, there's something wrong with your head.


Me, I was a communist while young, much like my dad. Now I have right wing tendencies with some issues, but left wing in others. So there's no hope for me...


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What Islamification of Britain outside of ridiculous stories in the Mail and the Sun?


What is your take on the "Islamic Only" day at Alton Towers recently?


John X


Oh and how did you and your two mates get on with your campaign to have my signature banned?


John, you're a troll, there's no other relevant description. You keep starting threads like this to, well, troll. You ain't getting no mileage out of me mate, I just think you're funny...:hihi:


In regards to your signature, even that's a troll....:D

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There are lots of things to worry about, a sustained high level of net immigration is still one of them.


But what do you mean by a 'sustained' high level of net immigration?


Net immigration has been falling year on year since 2004 and looks set to continue to fall.


And I'm sorry, but of the two things I quoted that you call 'important issues', one is a gross distortion of statistics and the other is a story made up by the press. Should we really waste our time and effort on them?


Should we also be concerned that Alton Towers recently had an 'Muslim Only Day?'


John X

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I don't like getting involved in left/right wing politics but felt i needed to add a quick point.


The march has been cancelled, a true fact. Hence cancelllation of caocehs etc.


FACT, the cops are allowing a gathering. Therefore, if i is a full supporter of any group where my/our march was banned but were allowed to gather and make a point, I and my group would turn up unless i could not careless.

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But what do you mean by a 'sustained' high level of net immigration?


Net immigration has been falling year on year since 2004 and looks set to continue to fall.


What I mean, is that we have had a sustained high level of net migration. What I mean by sustained, is for over a decade, pretty much since 1998.


My bold - no that is incorrect.


Should we also be concerned that Alton Towers recently had an 'Muslim Only Day?'


I've not heard of them doing it since 2006 when they had a poor response. It was a disgrace then, if they've done it again recently it's still a disgrace. Why should any religious group receive special privilages like this? You will notice, I don't think they have ever tried a Christian only day or a Jewish only day or a Sikh only day or a Buddist only day. Have you never paused to think, perhaps this is why people get slightly annoyed, that Islam and it's followers are the only religious group singled out for preferential treatment like this?

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if they've done it again recently it's still a disgrace. Why should any religious group receive special privilages like this? You will notice, I don't think they have ever tried a Christian only day or a Jewish only day or a Sikh only day or a Buddist only day. Have you never paused to think, perhaps this is why people get slightly annoyed, that Islam and it's followers are the only religious group singled out for preferential treatment like this?


But they didn't! :hihi:


You have just gone off on one, knowing nothing about the story just like certain people got all upset about the 'racist horse' story on the BNP website. Neither are true but you immediately take it as true because you want to believe it.


The same goes for the public funding of jihad courses, Labour council's banning the sale of black coffee from their canteens, asylum seekers getting preferential treatment in housing applications, and net immigration rising.


NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE TRUE but a significant minority believe them. Does anyone ever check these stories out? Did you check the Alton Towers story out? No, you took it as gospel and got all irate about it.


Then you claim it is no wonder that people get annoyed when they read stories like this. Well yes, I probably would too BUT I'd check whether it was true or not before getting myself all worked up! :rolleyes:


Yes, let's discuss immigration by all means but let's base that discussion on provable facts, not lies, half-truths and **** stirring.


John X

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But they didn't! :hihi:


You have just gone off on one, knowing nothing about the story just like certain people got all upset about the 'racist horse' story on the BNP website. Neither are true but you immediately take it as true because you want to believe it.


The same goes for the public funding of jihad courses, Labour council's banning the sale of black coffee from their canteens, asylum seekers getting preferential treatment in housing applications, and net immigration rising.


NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE TRUE but a significant minority believe them. Does anyone ever check these stories out? Did you check the Alton Towers story out? No, you took it as gospel and got all irate about it.


Then you claim it is no wonder that people get annoyed when they read stories like this. Well yes, I probably would too BUT I'd check whether it was true or not before getting myself all worked up! :rolleyes:


Yes, let's discuss immigration by all means but let's base that discussion on provable facts, not lies, half-truths and **** stirring.


John X


1 million illegal immigrants in the uk, is that a lie?

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But they didn't! :hihi:


You have just gone off on one, knowing nothing about the story just like certain people got all upset about the 'racist horse' story on the BNP website. Neither are true but you immediately take it as true because you want to believe it.


The same goes for the public funding of jihad courses, Labour council's banning the sale of black coffee from their canteens, asylum seekers getting preferential treatment in housing applications, and net immigration rising.


NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE TRUE but a significant minority believe them. Does anyone ever check these stories out? Did you check the Alton Towers story out? No, you took it as gospel and got all irate about it.


Then you claim it is no wonder that people get annoyed when they read stories like this. Well yes, I probably would too BUT I'd check whether it was true or not before getting myself all worked up! :rolleyes:


Yes, let's discuss immigration by all means but let's base that discussion on provable facts, not lies, half-truths and **** stirring.


John X


Sigh. :roll:




The Guardian, Thursday 3 August 2006


A Muslim fun day at Alton Towers has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales.


Organisers had hoped to attract 20,000 Muslims to the Staffordshire theme park on September 17. Special provisions had been agreed, including a ban on alcohol and gaming machines in public areas. Segregated adult ride zones had also been negotiated, as well as halal food stalls and prayer areas.


An Alton Towers spokeswoman said: "Insufficient ticket sales has meant that Islamic Leisure was unable to fulfil its contractual obligations and so they have taken the decision to cancel the event."


As I said, they tried it in 2006. And if you took note, I said if they'd done it again.

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