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Is anyone going to the EDL do in London tomorrow?

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If you actually read my posts properly you'd see that the thread is an attempt to discuss the current problems of the far right in Britain, using the likely dismal failure of this weekend's event in London as an example.


As an idealogical fellow traveller I'd have thought you would have something to say on the subject other than 'we shouldn't be discussing this'


John X

I didnt say we shouldnt be discussing this stop trying to take my post out of context,I said there's nothing to discuss,the march was a non event your OP was based on a non event why should anyone in their right mind travel to London for a march that is not taking place,I would imagine a few local EDL supporters may turn up but common sense says no ones going to travel any distance.

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Which of course they hadn't!


Don't post links that actually defeat your argument! :D


John X


What are you talking about? They tried to do it, that is the point. You seem to be claiming it was a fabrication, which it wasn't. It just didn't work out due to poor ticket sales.


It was you that brought it up so why are you bringing stuff up from 2006? And you said they had one recently, so why are you telling a pack of lies?



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why should anyone in their right mind travel to London for a march that is not taking place,


Because the leadership asked them to?


The last two weeks have been a frenzied campaign by Sir Tommy and co to encourage as many as possible to travel to London to show the Home Office that they will not be dictated to. "These streets are 'ares' and no-one can stop us walking on them".


Unfortunately most EDL supporters have got fed up with smaller and smaller protests, most taking place in car parks and ending up as a drunken brawl leading to many arrests. Add to that the growing disilusion with Robinson and co and it's no wonder hardly anyone bothered to turn up.


This was billed as the great march into the 'hartland' of Muslim extremism.


Where do they go from here?


John X

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But john you're arguments have no credibility. Anyone who could claim those opposed to immigration are responsible for the massacre in Norway, are obviously deluded.


By the way I still think you are a deplorable human being for using dead children to try and prove a debatable political point.



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By the way I still think you are a deplorable human being for using dead children to try and prove a debatable political point.




So you said! (How's the complaint about it to admin going, by the way?)


The only person who has used dead children to try to prove a debatable political point is Anders Brevik.


Why do you continually claim that my signature is directed at you? I find that really suspicious. :suspect:


John X

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