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Is anyone going to the EDL do in London tomorrow?

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He's changed it to "anti immigrant"..:hihi:



Incidentally, he's changed it from anti immigration to anti immigrant...


Oh really? :hihi:


Funny how someone complaining about it said 'I'm anti immigrant and I wasn't responsible"


Strange that they would use the phrase anti-immigrant if it was actually anti-immigration.


Don't you think?


And as far as you not caring too much, you got very hot under the collar on another thread and demanded that I 'remove it!' ;)


John X

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Oh really? :hihi:


Funny how someone complaining about it said 'I'm anti immigrant and I wasn't responsible"


Strange that they would use the phrase anti-immigrant if it was actually anti-immigration.


Don't you think?


And as far as you not caring too much, you got very hot under the collar on another thread and demanded that I 'remove it!' ;)


John X


You're becoming unhinged mate, have a glass of wine and chill out..Perhaps toast some dead children....

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Because the leadership asked them to?


The last two weeks have been a frenzied campaign by Sir Tommy and co to encourage as many as possible to travel to London to show the Home Office that they will not be dictated to. "These streets are 'ares' and no-one can stop us walking on them".


Unfortunately most EDL supporters have got fed up with smaller and smaller protests, most taking place in car parks and ending up as a drunken brawl leading to many arrests. Add to that the growing disilusion with Robinson and co and it's no wonder hardly anyone bothered to turn up.


This was billed as the great march into the 'hartland' of Muslim extremism.


Where do they go from here?


John X

I'm at a loss to understand your point. If EDL members did not turn up for a banned march surely they were acting in a law abiding sensible way.

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Given that a fair few EDL supporters post on here, will any of you be going to Tower Hamlets tomorrow?


By all accounts it looks like the whole thing is going to be a disaster for the EDL with people pulling out left, right and centre and many buses having to be cancelled due to such little interest that even deposits for the coaches can't be paid. Coupled with that, the march has been banned and most of the pubs being used as 'muster points' have closed for the day and even Sainsbury's whose car park was to be used for the 'rally' have told them that they are not welcome.


Are there any EDL supporters that have decided not to go, who and would like to explain why not on here, especially as the organisation will probably collapse within a month if only a couple of hundred turn up tomorrow when they are expecting 2,500?


John X


Who the hell are the EDL?Thick thugs the lot of em. However your signature tends to infer that to protest against open immigrantion makes you sympathetic to the nutter who went on a killing spre in Norway. Your signature is so far of the mark it couldn't hit a S * * * in a toilet.

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As the demonstration is over and the thread is miles off topic, I'm going to close this now.


If anyone has a burning desire to reopen it, please approach the helpdesk.

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