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A Fright In The Night!

old tup

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I was thinking back to when I had my final big bustup with dear old dad in 1961 around my 18th birthday,by then I had a good paying job a car and money in the bank.We got into an argument I cant remember why he still thought I was 5yrs old always cracking the whip,anyway he told me to pack my bags and go so I did.I ended up with room and board at a large house on Southgrove Rd,the house had mostly Scotsmen staying, steel erectors building the Tinsley Wire complex.I soon made friends and went out drinking with them,they got me into their habit of whisky chasers,a whiskey followed by a half of bitter a sure way of intoxication.One lad and I knocked about town a lot mostly West St mostly The Saddle where he liked some of the ladies of ill repute,I never did myself I had standards,anyway his name was Jimmy he came from Leven in Fife and he was a real urine artist and he nearly killed us all.This certain night I was asleep in my room when I was woken in the early hours by a loud banging on my door[Wake up wake up the house is on fire!].I put on the light the room was full of thick smoke almost to ground level,I crawled out and down to the next landing to see Jimmy swaying around drunk as a skunk in his room all the mattress and bedclothes were smouldering bright red smoke everywhere,he,d been smoking in bed and fell asleep,we put it out with buckets just in time.The place stunk of smoke for weeks,Jimmy got a royal bollocking from the landlady and all of us for scaring us to death!:help::loopy::huh:

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