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After Norway's right wing terror - The EDL with guns.

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The daily mail has had a change of mind lately with a couple of anti right wing stories instead of anti muslim stories.

That in no way means I won't be pulling their stories to bits as I always have.


This story is about right wing terrorists in the EDL toting guns and platering the images all over youtube and the like.


in the interests of fairness, I'll look at the mail as I usually do.

The idea is sound but the facts are daily mail facts (part truths).


I'll start with the guns. Most are air guns and airsoft (They fire pellets that could do you some hurt if they hit you in the eye or something).


Some are not. They're real and would easily kill.


The basic line is the EDL are a bunch of mindless idiots that want armed struggle. I find it hard to argue with that as I've suggested that opinion for some time now.

I asked myself if the type of gun mattered and came up with this.

The type of weapon doesn't matter to the sentiment. Clearly there are many EDL members out there who want to be the next Norway style killer so badly they display their armed image on facebook.

It shows a threat and one that has to be taken seriously.

The one with the 12 bore, very seriously to the point of getting the cops round now. Same goes for the cretin with the crossbow.

The photos also suggest something about how bright these EDL members (Yes - right members in the biblical sense) are. That must be as thick as a vat of pig droppings to put images of themselves with guns on the internet after the mass murder by an EDL trained terrorist in Norway.

That suggests irrational thoughts and that makes them very dangerous.


I assume the daily mail has seen the Muslim stories are finally running out of steam because of the lack of any real stories to print where as the EDL are easy targets because most of their members are as think as two short planks.

The daily mail could have done a far better job of this story instead of assuming it's readers were thick cretins but at least they've finally got the idea the real threat to the UK comes from far right terrorists.

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The daily mail has had a change of mind lately with a couple of anti right wing stories instead of anti muslim stories.

That in no way means I won't be pulling their stories to bits as I always have.


This story is about right wing terrorists in the EDL toting guns and platering the images all over youtube and the like.


in the interests of fairness, I'll look at the mail as I usually do.

The idea is sound but the facts are daily mail facts (part truths).


I'll start with the guns. Most are air guns and airsoft (They fire pellets that could do you some hurt if they hit you in the eye or something).


Some are not. They're real and would easily kill.


The basic line is the EDL are a bunch of mindless idiots that want armed struggle. I find it hard to argue with that as I've suggested that opinion for some time now.

I asked myself if the type of gun mattered and came up with this.

The type of weapon doesn't matter to the sentiment. Clearly there are many EDL members out there who want to be the next Norway style killer so badly they display their armed image on facebook.

It shows a threat and one that has to be taken seriously.

The one with the 12 bore, very seriously to the point of getting the cops round now. Same goes for the cretin with the crossbow.

The photos also suggest something about how bright these EDL members (Yes - right members in the biblical sense) are. That must be as thick as a vat of pig droppings to put images of themselves with guns on the internet after the mass murder by an EDL trained terrorist in Norway.

That suggests irrational thoughts and that makes them very dangerous.


I assume the daily mail has seen the Muslim stories are finally running out of steam because of the lack of any real stories to print where as the EDL are easy targets because most of their members are as think as two short planks.

The daily mail could have done a far better job of this story instead of assuming it's readers were thick cretins but at least they've finally got the idea the real threat to the UK comes from far right terrorists.


So the Islamist menace has gone away and they are not a real threat anymore?


Anyway, I wouldn’t worry; according to some posts on here the edl is disintegrating.

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according to some posts on here the edl is disintegrating.


Literally as we speak!


About 800 of them turned up in London and as far as it is known they never made it to Tower Hamlets.


Sir Tommy Robinson AKA Stephen Yaxley-Lennon arrived dressed as a Rabbi and may or may not have been arrested for breaking bail conditions. Lots of nazi salutes and shouts of zeig heil and 'mooslim' scum which kind of ****s off their claim that they are politically neutral and not in any way part of the far-right. :D


Now said to be wandering about in small, drunken groups looking for someone to fight with. Scuffles have also broken out among groups of EDL. This usually happens at their protests which isn't surprising given the organisation is based around groups of football hooligans!


Latest arrest count is EDL-7 Anti-fascists-0


A pretty poor showing given the number of their supporters who spent the last week saying no home office ban was going to keep them of 'are' streets and they were going to 'burn all the mosks in Tower Hamlets' and 'kill mozzie scum'!


Does anyone know if the Norwegian Defence League turned up as they had promised?


John X

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if your so concerned about right wing extremists Eastern Europe is that way -> :D


I'm more concerned with right-wing extremists who live on my doorstep.


Having said that, the last time I saw that goon Roy James, he was sitting in a city centre pub with table of Czech nazis! When a few too many dark faces appeared, they all slid out the back way shouting racist insults.


Some master race! :D


John X

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