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Online second hand books.

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Try Amazon Marketplace for the more mainstream books.




If you don't find them there then try Addall. It's a site wich searches most of the big online second hand book sellers worldwide -




And then there's Sheffield Libraries. You can search the catalogue online and request a book to be delivered to your local branch for picking up.


They email you when they're holding it for you. You just need your library card number and PIN to log into the system.


It's also possible to request that they buy a book, or get it from another library on the Inter-Library Loan Scheme.



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any Richard Allen books will do or Peter Cave

Moon the Loon ...Keith Moon biography paperback


God, I remember reading Peter Cave's 'Chopper' when I was about 14. I think this sort of thing is rather sort after these days though I can't for the life of me think why!

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