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Austerity must be stopped

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Austerity should be stopped....on one condition.


That I am given one of the non jobs that pays over £40k per annum (ie, diversity officers)


If I don't get one of these cushy jobs, then let the cuts continue


The tories should introduce a diversity officer policy, somewhat opposite to the labour one. Instead of giving a member a non job with high pay. Pupils at eton could be sent up North to do an apprenticeship in a meat packing factory/warehouse and earn £2.50/hour.


It would boost the economy!

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Hold on, I thought the telegraph was merely commenting on what a former french finance minister said (she's been in her new job, what 2 months ? ) rather than an opinion piece.


She also stated that alot of resources had already been used. And to top it off I didn't see her mention osbourn or even the uk.


Bit of a nothing story really.

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Compare Greece to a friend you loan two thousand pounds to with an IOU to be fulfilled on a set date. The date comes and goes but no money paid back.

When you ask the friend why not he says he doesn't have the money to pay back.

You suggest that he start to manage his financial affairs more responsibly which after much talk he agrees to do and with the intention to start payng back some of the loan.

A long period of time goes by a but no money repaid. You ask him why not and he says he doesn't have the money to repay. You get annoyed and say what's the excuse.

Well it's like this he says. My missus and the kids get real mad when I tell them we have to cut out some of the good things we'ver been enjpoying for the last several years and I just hate all the turmoil and aggro that goes on the house


So that's what it is in simplified terms

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Your understanding of macroeconomics is 'basic', to say the least.


The comparison is a nonsense. :D


John X


Really? So it's not like this then?


Greece is in danger of defaulting on it's debt and Italy Spain and Ireland are also cause for concern and this is causing European stock markers to go south as well as the lousy economic situation in the United States


Greece has been told to get it's financial house in order. Cuts/austerity measures have been necessary but have caused civil disturbances and riots.


Who lends money to the EU? The banks do. What happens if defaults on debts occur?


I've looked at your comments so far on this thread. They're one liners without any substance whatsoever.


Care to explain in 500 words or less what your theory on all this is? :D

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