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Banking reform down the pan, if Cameron gets his way

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So the banks nearly bankrupted the country. The taxpayer bailed them out. The Tories blamed Labour for not adequately regulating them yet the moment they get into Govt the Tories revert back to type.


Quelle Surprise!





MMMmmm, lets look at Townie Bliar and New LIEbour Government record shall we. Sorry can't find owt they did, except open our Borders to all and sundry.





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This country has a massive problem. There is no party that is worth voting for. They are all corrupt and biased. Cameron is owned by the establishment. Labour are conservatives and the libdems are lapdogs.

We need new blood!

Who shall it be?

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Alternatively, lets push through the reforms and watch the biggest banks (those incidentally that took no Government money, HSBC & Barclays) relocate to another country?


I'm sure nobody would notice the tens of thousands of jobs lost as a result, nor the loss of income they generate in tax.


So, what's it to be?

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Alternatively, lets push through the reforms and watch the biggest banks (those incidentally that took no Government money, HSBC & Barclays) relocate to another country?


I'm sure nobody would notice the tens of thousands of jobs lost as a result, nor the loss of income they generate in tax.


So, what's it to be?


Call their bluff, they've been going on about leaving the country for years.

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