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Cost of school photos - any other parents annoyed with it??

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Yep my mum hates the prices for my sister's and mine when I was at school...


The last one Filthfan had done, you had to send the money the day the picture was taken so even if you got it back and didn't like it you still had to have it.


They really are onto a winner because everyone wants school photos.

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Mmm.. not impressed with school photos at all. My kids always have their picture took together. This year was the last time as big one is going to secondary next September. Imagine my surprise when he brought three sets of proofs home.


A new company took over this year. They took a shot of them both together and an individual one each too. Total cost for each pack? £21.00


Then you get all the relatives who want a copy. I did toy with the idea of scanning but the difference between the 1 shot and the pack was negligable so I was sucked into paying again.:mad: But sent back the individual ones with a thanks but no thanks.:D


May as well hire a photographer yourself and choose what sort of picture you want for the money they are charging.

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Name and shame the schools they will be getting a % out of it you can bet. Get your school PTA to put pressure on the school to get you a better deal. If you don't pay for them and the school do not get there cut . The idea will soon get home. They count on suckeres to pay these prices because they pull at womens heart strings.:gag:

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We paid £17 for my son's photos this year. One big one in a gatefold along with one of his class with all the names underneath, and 14 smaller ones of varying sizes.


I know some people think the class photos are a waste of money, but we've got one from nearly every year since nursery, and it's lovely to see how my son and his friends have grown and changed (they're 12 and 13 now).


The last two years at secondary school have been better value, if anything, as the class and individual shots have been taken at the same time.


Think there's only been one year when the individual photos definitely weren't worth the money, the proofs were blurred :mad: (and no, we didn't buy them)

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Yes i also scann the photos then print off.



I only need 1 big 4 med size (and only get 2 in the pack). And i used to have to go and buy the full package that includes wallet size and passport size photos and the new stamp photos that i never use, and by the time i would buy the photo's i mentsion it would only been £2 more for that whole package.


So now just buy the one and scan it off then all family can have the same size photo in the end.

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All the samples we get sent have 'PROOF' written accross them so we scan them and have fun using photo-editing to get rid of it. Hours of endless fun, and free photos for all the family. We can even remove blemishes such as zits and bogies while we're at it.:thumbsup:

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