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Of All Cars You've Owned What's Your Favourite?

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i had an old blue mini and loved it till i needed a bigger car, can still remember the reg no, DGY 105T, if you lifted the mat you could see the road through the floor and i had to hold the choke out with a peg lol basic radio with on/off and volume button, but i had a sun roof and once drove from the east end to dagenham with a six foot cardboard cut out of john wayne sticking out of it (dont ask), passers by were waving at him ! oooo i miss that car !

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Any Rover [dec'd, I regret to say]. Reliable and British.


My favourite car by far was my MGF. Sadly I had to get rid of it because I couldn't afford to keep it, but I took some solace in knowing it has gone to a nice new home. The man I sold it to bought it as a project and is renovating it. Sounds silly, but I would have hated to see it end up being scrapped.

One day, when I have some money I will buy another one :)

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I,ve had quite a few cars in my time some old some brand new petrol and diesel,saloons, 4 VW Beetles old style ones, a couple of 4wdrives but my favourite is the one I own now.Its a 10 yrs old Mercedes 220 CDI auto,its a real beauty to drive,smooth nippy and giving 50mpg its a minter.I,ve got the cash to buy a new motor but I can,t bear to part with it.Does any Forum members feel like this with your car?:love::roll:


Nobody owns there car,the DVLA owns it.

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I,ve had quite a few cars in my time some old some brand new petrol and diesel,saloons, 4 VW Beetles old style ones, a couple of 4wdrives but my favourite is the one I own now.Its a 10 yrs old Mercedes 220 CDI auto,its a real beauty to drive,smooth nippy and giving 50mpg its a minter.I,ve got the cash to buy a new motor but I can,t bear to part with it.Does any Forum members feel like this with your car?
Besides the MX-5 I posted about on page 1 (in Sept 2011, and which we still have, of course :)).


For a long time (20+ years) I disdained German cars, Mercs & BMWs most of all...until we recently got our first (and current) one late last year: a C220 CDI, just like yours! Amongst the last-made W203 shape before the current 'angular' facelift, with 30k on (not even run in yet ;)).


Feeling about it just like you, old tup. It's such a relaxing place to be in, and has done wonders towards curing my road rage tendencies, probably my arterial pressure too...After the string of Imprezas and the (really-) bad mistake that was the V50 I last had, it feels like an epiphany! :D


You know what they say - only imbeciles never change their mind ;)

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snobish car drivers make me sick. and should be forced to lives like me. my mother drives and she says the same. cars sholds be only for ambalnces and fire engines and we would be all equals not driving atrioiusly on the streets oof this nasy ignorunt place and have butters tplearnce to them with no cars who have to suffers the ones with cars who drives to fast and pulls out at juncations stupidely

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My first car was a Renault 12Ts it was the first summer of freedom for me and my girlfriend (now wife) over 30 years ago.

My favourite car is the one I have now, it's an 18 year old discovery that's had more mechanical and welding work than you thought was possible on a car. But it's now a sound car, looks like a skip but is great for chucking muddy dogs in the back, hunting and gutting dead stuff.

I love it, and if we need to go anywhere clean we take the wife's car.

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