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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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I thought we'd already established that that wasn't actually true?


At the end of the day one woman can only produce one baby* from one man's sperm every 9 months.


No cultural, religious or polygamous marital arrangement can change that.


It's nature, as David Attenborough would say. ;)


John X


*on average

I'm not talking about pregnancy per se though, I'm talking about the number of pregnancies muslim wives who originate from specific regions are likely to have. Which is, in my opinion, usually higher than that of other muslims from different regions. Also, bare in mind that I haven't set a time scale to the question I posed in my op, which is why I'm focusing on birthrate with the addition of immigration and polygamy.
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I'm not talking about pregnancy per se though, I'm talking about the number of pregnancies muslim wives who originate from specific regions are likely to have. Which is, in my opinion, usually higher than that of other muslims from different regions. Also, bare in mind that I haven't set a time scale to the question I posed in my op, which is why I'm focusing on birthrate with the addition of immigration and polygamy.


It's all pure speculation isn't it?


So far you haven't stated how many immigrants originate from these regions, or what their birthrate is, nor do you know what level of immigration from those regions will be in future years or how many will continue to adhere to Islam as the years pass.


Despite the claim in your OP that it isn't about bashing Islam, the serious issue raised in your OP is becoming less and less credible the more you contribute to it!

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The increases expected are increases on tiny figures. I think 3% of the British population is Muslim so if it went up by a third it would still be a tiny figure especially given the number of Christians coming in from Poland and then settling here and having children. I would stop worrying if I were you and just get on with life.
But a mass increase of practicing Christians in the UK wouldn't alter things much, I imagine, since UK laws prohibit Christianity from enforcing it's practices on others by Christian law. Whereas Islam considers such things as blasphemy and sin 'unlawful', so, would most certainly enforce such laws on everyone, muslim or otherwise.
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But a mass increase of practicing Christians in the UK wouldn't alter things much, I imagine, since UK laws prohibit Christianity from enforcing it's practices on others by Christian law. Whereas Islam considers such things as blasphemy and sin 'unlawful', so, would most certainly enforce such laws on everyone, muslim or otherwise.


More speculation eh danot? ;)


I heard that the Blades Business Crew are quite vociferous, they're all men full of testosterone and spermatozoa. If they defile innocent Hillsborough virgins, would all footie fans eventually be forced to support Sheffield United (not such a bad thing in my opinion) and call their children Red or Redina?


It's only round the corner I tell thee!

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Whereas Islam considers such things as blasphemy and sin 'unlawful', so, would most certainly enforce such laws on everyone, muslim or otherwise.

But we follow British law. It would need an Islamic Revolution to turn over an evolved enlightened justice system that has been embedded for nearly 1,000 years. That's without even factoring in leaving the EU and their legal system.

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I said that in response to this post of yours, what is the relevance to how many wives there are in 'those marriages' if it isn't to suggest polygamy increases the birthrate?

But my remark was relevant to the claim Halibut was making at the time. Halibut was responding to post of mine in which I claimed that the specific muslim families that I referred to as having around eight kids on average, he said that of the muslim families that he has uncounted (which is in the low hundreds) none have had more than four or five kids. To which I replied- "how many wives were there in those marriages"?


It's a reasonable question to ask BF.




Posted by boyfriday

We've already established that wives cannot be brought into the country if a man is already married and it's forbidden for a man who is domiciled in Britain to go abroad and marry someone if he's already married-it's called bigamy.

But that law cannot prevent a muslim man from exercising his right to having more than one wife under Islamic law.


Posted by boyfriday

You also seemed to disregard Halibut's response to your post above. He said he didn't know of any Muslims who were in polygamous marriages.

which establishes what?.. that I must be wrong because Halibut doesn't know of any?


Posted by boyfriday

You yourself said that the estimate was for 2000 such liaisons in the UK, even if half involve women of child bearing age do you honestly believe the number of children produced will materially affect the issue you raised in your OP.

I believe that the vast majority of muslim children raised according to Islamic law will feel obliged to marry a muslim and raise their own children in the same manner. I also believe that the birthrate of muslims that originate from Africa and the middle east is generally higher that that of muslims originating from different regions, and higher than that of parents with alternative faiths, or no faith.
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