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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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Have you observed the importance of Christian values and traditions amongst British people? Yet most choose not to go to church or evangelise as they're required to do. Why should Muslims evolve into anything different? They are subject to the same influences as the rest of us.
But that's religion for you. It's takers are mainly hypocrites that impose their values on everyone else.
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Right children, lets do the maths then, based on your own claim:


The following makes two huge assumptions which are very unlikely, but mean that these figures are the absolute maximum they could be. In reality they would be a lot less! These assumptions are:


1. That only the Muslim population increases and that all other populations remain static (no growth no reduction)


2. That every new birth to Muslim parents results in a child who grows up to embrace and practice Islam.



Year...... Muslim population........ as %age of UK



2011......... 1.6 million ...................... 2.1 %



2031......... 2.12 million.................... 3.04%



2051......... 2.81 million.................... 4.02%



2071........ 3.73 million..................... 5.33%



2091........ 4.96 million..................... 7.08%



2111........ 6.59 million..................... 9.4%



Sorry about the dots but it was the only way to make the table look like a table! :D


Anyway, as can be clearly seen, if the Muslim population increases by 33% in every generation and all other populations remain static, the Muslim population would not even reach 10% of the UK total in one hundred years!


So can we have an end to this 'we are being swamped by Islam' and 'we will have Sharia law in 5 years time'. The only people have an interest in perpetuating this nonsense are the nasty little racists who have their own agenda. :suspect:


John X


January 30, 2009


The Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years, according to official research collated for The Times.


The population multiplied 10 times faster than the rest of society, the research by the Office for National Statistics reveals. In the same period the number of Christians in the country fell by more than 2 million.


The total number of Muslims in Great Britain:


2004: 1,870,000


2005: 2,017,000


2006: 2,142,000


2007: 2,327,000


2008: 2,422,000


Source: Labour Force Survey




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January 30, 2009


The Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years, according to official research collated for The Times.



To put the above figure in context the report also says "There are more than 42.6 million Christians in Britain". So it's 42 to 2. The report also says that some of the increase could be put down to people being more ready to identify themselves as Muslim i.e. they were here before but didn't count themselves in the figures.


The drop in the number of Christians can be put down to emigration and to the fact that older people tend to be more religious and as they die their descendants are less likely to replace them in the figures because they don't call themselves Christians even though they're from the same racial groups.


During the same period a lot of Christians came in from Poland. Some have returned home but despite that the number of Polish-born people is estimated to have gone up from 60,000 ten years ago to anything between half a million and a million today. In percentage terms that's a lot more than the increase in Muslims.

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Why should that trouble them if the life they want to lead is incongruous to the one they want to leave behind? You're really taking a snapshot in time and casting it forward, you or me has no idea how the adherence to any religion will be over time, for example blacks coming into the UK from the Caribbean were almost 100% church going Christians, and yet their progeny have fallen to the wayside despite the overbearing familial pressures. It's one reason I reacted so strongly against it myself.

Nothing quite compares to a strong Muslim reaction though, which is probably why the vast majority westernized Muslim girls succumb to the pressures of their overbearing families.
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Nothing quite compares to a strong Muslim reaction though, which is probably why the vast majority westernized Muslim girls succumb to the pressures of their overbearing families.


That's just nonsense. There are parents of many faiths and none have overbearing attitudes to their children.

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I think I see the problem here.


By critical debate you mean using intelligence and analytical thought to examine assertions and not simply accepting the status quo.

Danot means simply to say negative things.

Let me assure you, if I had something positive to say I'd say it.


Despite what you might think, I'm not completely bias towards western values.

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