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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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Them! Now! All over the world!. You need to bare in mind that for many muslims, Islam is merely a society within a society. That's how it is, because that's how they want it.


..and of course most rational thinkers will appreciate that that's the case with most religions, Islam isn't particularly exceptional in that respect.

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Wow I am impressed how sheffforum can churn out Islamic phobe threads very week !


I have Bren obeserving for some time now !


Do people really believe in this rubbish ?


The Nazis were the first to use mass propaganda to demonize a ethinic minority !


Sure we have the media to thank for a lot of rubbish being spouted !


Yes sure we have free speech . But this is beyond a joke ! Espicialy when my threads gt closed !

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Ok, let's start this again. You can't create a hypothesis on flawed data or a perception in order to arrive at a conclusion that you want to achieve.
I don't consider starting a thread to discuss the observable effects of the increase of muslim communities within the UK a 'hypothesis drawn from flawed data', nor do I consider my reason for starting such a thread to be due to a flawed perception of Islam.


Posted bt boyfriday

So, what are you describing as having contributed to the 'rapid increase in the UK Muslim population'?

This- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1154789/polygamy-uk-this-special-mail-investigation-reveals-thousands-men-milking-benefits-support-wives.html


Posted by boyfriday

What was this population and what has it become in magnitude terms?

That would be this- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7900779.stm


Posted by boyfriday

What evidence do you have to support the existence of this 'contributing factor', because I for one have no idea what you're talking about.

There's this- http://islamineurope.blogspot.com/2009/01/uk-muslim-population-growing.html


And this- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/apr/08/population.islam

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Nothing quite compares to a strong Muslim reaction though, which is probably why the vast majority westernized Muslim girls succumb to the pressures of their overbearing families.


The vast majority of girls succumb to pressure when exerted by an overbearing family, however the influence of those families will become less powerful as those girls see the options made available to them through education and employment, hopefully the days of being barefoot & pregnant (not through choice) will be consigned to history.

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Sorry could you explain this statement?
Certainly. If a UK Islamic political party was ever elected into power, I have a hunch that neither yourself, or your kids, would be able to take any credit for it as I suspect that neither yourself or your kids wouldn't even consider contributing a vote to it.
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Certainly. If a UK Islamic political party was ever elected into power, I have a hunch that neither yourself, or your kids, would be able to take any credit for it as I suspect that neither yourself or your kids wouldn't even consider contributing a vote to it.


Well I certainly wouldn't consider voting for it, but what my children choose to do is entirely a matter for them, it will be their world, not mine and they could all be Muslim converts by then through choice, just as your kids could be-or would you forbid them from being so?

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