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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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so if anything, over the next thirty years,the muslim population is likely to increase at a far faster rate than it has been doing.
Assuming today's 4 year olds are inclined to be Muslims in 30 years time, which of course they might not be.
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What about the statistical data? John X has produced a table that suggests the Muslim population will be no more than 10% of the total based on the 33% increase every 20 years which YOU were suggesting. That hardly places them in a position where they can influence the constitution does it?
Did you read my response to it?





Posted by boyfriday

So it's entirely based on suspicion and innuendo, since what you observe is not what everyone else observes.

But why are you questioning the creditably of my observations?, is it because you're part of the status quo that treads with caution because you believe Islam is a highly sensitive topic to debate?




Posted by boyfriday

That's fine, I've no problem dealing with you on that basis, however you set the tone of the thread when you said it wasn't a Muslim or Bible bashing one..remember?

which it isn't.

Posted by boyfriday

Don't like it? I love it fella, playing with you is like teasing a dog that's chasing it's tail!

:D What breed would I be?
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..and of course most rational thinkers will appreciate that that's the case with most religions, Islam isn't particularly exceptional in that respect.
Yes it is, as it's the fastest growing religion with the most temperamental, and highly strung following.
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The vast majority of girls succumb to pressure when exerted by an overbearing family, however the influence of those families will become less powerful as those girls see the options made available to them through education and employment, hopefully the days of being barefoot & pregnant (not through choice) will be consigned to history.
You know as well as I do that a large percentage of young British born muslim women are prevented from ever experiencing the same sense of freedom has their none muslim girls friends that dress how they choose and date who they choose.


Granted, there'll be certain young muslim women that could if they wanted but choose not to, but the majority just accept that it's not the done thing.

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