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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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John x quoted something like 'you can't use UKIP or migration watch figures as they are 'biased' towards the right' well just because he said that does not mean that it is true or couldn't John x provide a link to back up his argument ?


Right-wing organisations biased towards the right?


You want a link?


Here you go Common sense.com


John X

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He's handled himself well BF posted links to kinda back up his claims aswell - his replies have been scant one way ravings, I'm not saying everything he's said is true and don't believe his 'predictions' but there is an element of truth to some of it

But the truth can only be distilled from comprehensive evidence. He's consistently claimed his position has been shaped by his 'observations'-I'm afraid that's not good enough. I related a story about my belief that most drivers speeding on the motorway were female, because I'd 'observed' it. Which turned out to be rubbish when it was put under analysis by my son for the remainder of our journey.


The fact is our personal observations are shaped by what we want to see or something that makes an experience stand out from the norm, in my case it was probably 10 or 20 female drives tearing up the tarmac on the M1, in danot's case it's seeing dark faces in burkas with half a dozen sprogs round their ankles, which incidentally could well be children they're minding just like women do in our society.


Ps: I hope you didn't have any more Red Stripe before bedtime 0114? ;)

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He's also claimed polygamy, men marrying their cousins, 15 year olds and bringing women over from abroad to marry will increase the birthrate..without providing any evidence to support it whatsoever.


Saw something on tv a few months back about men marrying their relatives and a percentage of their offspring were born with deformities, believe it or not it was on bbc2 and they had a totally unbiased modern muslim woman presenting it, she went on to say that it is a strain on the NHS I know I'm going to get hammered for this but I watched it BF - as for bringing chicks from abroad I don't know, or the 15 year old bit, I also don't know

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I think it is indeed highly unlikely. The young Muslim teens and kids that I know are obsessed with pretty much the same things that their non-Muslim counterparts are - trashy TV, American culture, rap and fast food (many turn up their noses at traditional foods their mums make and lust after KFC and pizza like any other teen.)

It's inevitable that they become more like us (non Muslims) rather than vice versa.


I met a 'Muslim' lad last year, he was driving taxis during the day and working in a takeaway in the evening, when I praised his attitude to work, he said he was happy to do it as 'our t'lass likes her holidays'. "our t'lass" being his white, non Muslim wife who he'd been in a relationship with since their school days.


I've no evidence to support this, but he probably considers himself a Muslim, but pays lip service to mosque visits and celebrates the big festivals and probably cheats during Ramadan. Just like we do at Christmas and during Lent.

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Saw something on tv a few months back about men marrying their relatives and a percentage of their offspring were born with deformities, believe it or not it was on bbc2 and they had a totally unbiased modern muslim woman presenting it, she went on to say that it is a strain on the NHS I know I'm going to get hammered for this but I watched it BF - as for bringing chicks from abroad I don't know, or the 15 year old bit, I also don't know


..yes I saw the documentary and very alarming it was too, but men marrying their cousins doesn't influence the birth rate positively as danot was claiming, whether it's right or wrong is another debate and unrelated to this one!

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Saw something on tv a few months back about men marrying their relatives and a percentage of their offspring were born with deformities, believe it or not it was on bbc2 and they had a totally unbiased modern muslim woman presenting it, she went on to say that it is a strain on the NHS I know I'm going to get hammered for this but I watched it BF - as for bringing chicks from abroad I don't know, or the 15 year old bit, I also don't know


The practice of marrying within the family - to second cousins or whatever - can indeed give rise to deformities, but is highly likely to decline as traditional ways become more adjusted to more 'western' values.

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But the truth can only be distilled from comprehensive evidence. He's consistently claimed his position has been shaped by his 'observations'-I'm afraid that's not good enough. I related a story about my belief that most drivers speeding on the motorway were female, because I'd 'observed' it. Which turned out to be rubbish when it was put under analysis by my son for the remainder of our journey.


The fact is our personal observations are shaped by what we want to see or something that makes an experience stand out from the norm, in my case it was probably 10 or 20 female drives tearing up the tarmac on the M1, in danot's case it's seeing dark faces in burkas with half a dozen sprogs round their ankles, which incidentally could well be children they're minding just like women do in our society.


Ps: I hope you didn't have any more Red Stripe before bedtime 0114? ;)


I think you know I'm from Pitsmoor, then Firth Park - my observations from being 17 yrs old at Firth Park to when I go back there now have absolutely changed, changed so much I might as well be in Turkey, Afghanistan or pakistan, am I wrong to say that ? does that make me (hate saying this) a racist ? I don't think it does, it's fact that its changed so rapidly, when I see things like all the variety of shops in Firth Park vanishing and becoming takeaways and mini markets it saddens me.

Danots main assumption has been the birth rate of immigrants, if you use Firth Park as an example in my opinion I cannot disagree with him - ps no red stripe left or i'd have necked them toooo !!!

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You really are dim beyond belief!


Halal meat is perfectly legal in the UK, it's not a crime to produce it.

Polygamy is perfectly legal also, although like the government, you find it more convenient to be believe otherwise and simply refuse to recognize polygamous marriages insisting that the mumbo-jumbo Islamic practice isn't legally binding under UK law, even though a you're quite happy to recognize a similar mumbo-jumbo practice used to bless meat.


Can you not see that by rejecting one, you're inadvertently rejecting the other? Which raises the question- why can't any old butcher bless halal meat if it's just plain old meat in the eye's of the law, and why did you suggest in a earlier post that slaughterhouses maybe required to employ more muslims should fellow muslims continue to question the purity of their halal meat?.. Is it illegal to sell plain old meat as halal meat or something?


Posted by boyfriday

It is however illegal to enter into a marriage recognized under English law with more than one person, as I said earlier if you want to 'marry' your six year old girlfriend and have a Labrador in a dog collar conduct the ceremony whilst various characters from the Teletubbies look on as witnesses that's entirely a matter for you and you can call your beloved what you want...but that doesn't mean she'll be your legally registered wife! Hence you wouldn't become a polygamist if you went on and married Anne Widdecombe at Westminster Cathedral.

I'll bare that in mind.:rolleyes:
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The practice of marrying within the family - to second cousins or whatever - can indeed give rise to deformities, but is highly likely to decline as traditional ways become more adjusted to more 'western' values.


I agree things will change in time, hopefully to be a bit less obsessive, religion is an obsessive nightmare when carried out to the letter !!

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I think you know I'm from Pitsmoor, then Firth Park - my observations from being 17 yrs old at Firth Park to when I go back there now have absolutely changed, changed so much I might as well be in Turkey, Afghanistan or pakistan, am I wrong to say that ? does that make me (hate saying this) a racist ? I don't think it does, it's fact that its changed so rapidly, when I see things like all the variety of shops in Firth Park vanishing and becoming takeaways and mini markets it saddens me.

Danots main assumption has been the birth rate of immigrants, if you use Firth Park as an example in my opinion I cannot disagree with him - ps no red stripe left or i'd have necked them toooo !!!


The fact that there are lots of brown faces in Firth Park doesn't mean immigrants have massive birth rates - it means lots of brown people choose to live in Firth Park.

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