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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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I don't think it does either, it's an observation of your personal experience and one that can be born out by facts.


You also didn't draw any negative conclusions from your observations. For what it's worth I lived on Skinnerthorpe Road in the early 70's, most of the faces around there then were West Indian, 30 years before that they were probably mainly white. Visiting my Gran in NGH last week I reflected to my Uncle how the area had changed ethnically, and it will probably be totally different again in another 40 years. That's what happens with immigrant communities, when they arrive here they congregate with each other, as they establish and improve they want the same things we do, a nice house in a safe environment and educated children-so move to areas where that can be facilitated.


If you look at some areas in Sheffield like Broomhall, in the 50's mainly white, in the 70's mainly Caribbean and now it's a leafy suburb largely reclaimed by aspiring young professionals and the middle classes, you can't buy a house in Broomhall now, where once they were giving them away.


Change saddens most of us 0114, but it's part of the human condition, it took me along time to get over my hair going grey and then disappearing (before Dozy says anything, I'm quite fond of the skinhead look now!), we get used to change, do you remember what used to be at the bottom of Moorfoot before the Manpower building was put up, or the brown piece of dereliction where Meadowhall Centre is now? Some may lament the change, but to my kids going to Meadowhall has positive connotations, whereas for me I still think of empty factories and urban decay.


What about the immigrants who don't live in Firth Park? What about the birth rate of white folks on the Manor? Do you think they have more or less kids than I do? ;)

Oh lordy!!


Don't know how many kids white folks have on average, though as a trend I heard somewhere that it is declining, I've had two - wish it had been more, dunno why as they skin me to the bone :)

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How exactly are you identifying them then? Do they wear a badge that says Muslim?


No mate I've been in their 'shops' and seen the pictures they have with everyone praying around that square thing, and the flag with the crescent and star and I think, Arabic scripture, then there's their clothes and their women which are usually a dead give away due to the 'slots' in their headgear through which you can see their eyes :)

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You did miss the point.


A critical analysis of something does not mean that you analyse it whilst being negative towards it.

Cyclone. My negativity merely reflect the discoveries of my critical analysis. There are certain aspects I dislike about Islam , as there are in Christianity. As I said earlier, I'll criticize either with equal enthusiasm. But right now, Christianity can wait as I'm defending my reasons for criticizing Islam.
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Cyclone. My negativity merely reflect the discoveries of my critical analysis. There are certain aspects I dislike about Islam , as there are in Christianity. As I said earlier, I'll criticize either with equal enthusiasm. But right now, Christianity can wait as I'm defending my reasons for criticizing Islam.


Have you found a reference to most Christians being over 70 yet - or are you big enough to admit you made it up?

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Polygamy is perfectly legal also,
Polygamy is illegal under English Law, "marriages" conducted under religious ceremonies are only valid if they are registered (as in Register Office), and it's only possible to register one marriage, registering more than one makes you a bigamist.


The state doesn't interfere in how many partners an individual might want to have, whether that's by a man keeping his mistress and their children in a penthouse apartment or a Muslim couple undergoing some religious ceremony and them all living in the same house (although as you, yourself have pointed out the numbers engaged in such relationships is minute).

Can you not see that by rejecting one, you're inadvertently rejecting the other?

So would you criminalise men who have children by women they're not married too?

Which raises the question- why can't any old butcher bless halal meat if it's just plain old meat in the eye's of the law,

I've no idea who can or can't bless halal meat, any old butcher may well be able to do it, it's not any of my concern.

and why did you suggest in a earlier post that slaughterhouses maybe required to employ more muslims should fellow muslims continue to question the purity of their halal meat?.. Is it illegal to sell plain old meat as halal meat or something?

I was responding to a poster who was suggesting conventional slaughterhouses would go out of business if they couldn't process halal meat..I was offering a possible solution that keeps everybody happy.

I'll bare that in mind.:rolleyes:

Yes your mind is quite 'bare' ;)
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At least it explains some of yor antipathy towards Islam, but not all Muslims are the same as the one that married your mother's cousin.

The vast majority that I've encountered have shown similar traits though, maybe it's ingrained into their psyche to believe they're superior to their female counterparts.

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