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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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No I don't like muslims and I suspect you'll see a good reason why I think that over the weekend. Then again, who does? Just get over it.


Do you hate Christians because of the activities of Timothy McVeigh, the IRA or the Ku Klux Klan?

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Would you consider the Koran "comprehensive evidence"?


By the way BF. Can I just ask if you'd be just as accepting of a mumbo-jumbo Christian ritual that allowed any man of Christian faith to enslave and exploit their female fellow Christians? Providing it wasn't recognized as slavery obviously, you know, because Christians were calling it something else.

I don't think he is accepting of any mumbo-jumbo rituals of any denomination. He is simply pointing out that your use of it to back up your claims of potential population growth is flawed.


John X


I think John X has responded far more delicately and accurately than I would have done.

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Would you consider the Koran "comprehensive evidence"?


No more or less than I'd consider the Old or New Testaments as "comprehensive evidence" of how Christians are supposed to behave.


I'm told by religious observers that their holy scriptures are open to interpretation, I've no reason to disbelieve that because I've rarely encountered one who slavishly follows the principles set out in them-they adjust the meaning to suit their own circumstances and objectives.

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By avoiding answering it?


By avoiding giving you the answer you would prefer to hear.


If A is the opposite to B then supporting A does not necessarily mean opposing B or vice versa. You can oppose both A and B and you can support both A and B.


This naive form of argument is particularly prevelant on internet forums. An example is a poster on here who claims mass support for the MAC on Sheffield Forum. This is because he sees a significant number of posters on here defending Muslims from irrational Islamaphobic attacks.


The irony of this, is that most of that defence come from those on the left who are in reality as opposed to Islam, as they are to Xtianity, Scientology or any other brain softening philosophy.


John X

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I think you know I'm from Pitsmoor, then Firth Park - my observations from being 17 yrs old at Firth Park to when I go back there now have absolutely changed, changed so much I might as well be in Turkey, Afghanistan or pakistan, am I wrong to say that ? does that make me (hate saying this) a racist ? I don't think it does, it's fact that its changed so rapidly, when I see things like all the variety of shops in Firth Park vanishing and becoming takeaways and mini markets it saddens me.

Danots main assumption has been the birth rate of immigrants, if you use Firth Park as an example in my opinion I cannot disagree with him - ps no red stripe left or i'd have necked them toooo !!!

Anything negative that you say unsupported by hard evidence will be undoubtedly labeled "racist" then immediately dismissed as nonsense I'm afraid. Better go, don't want to risk you getting hit by sniper fire.;)
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It's self explanatory isn't it? Islamic law provides a Muslim man with a far greater number of potential child bearers than he'd be capable of having if he was a Christian or none religious. Islam doesn't view marriage in the same way we do, it's merely an arrangement designed to favor the dominant partner. This is why polygamy is accepted in Islam, and why it's remains a grey area in UK legislation and open to abuse.


This argument only makes sense if women outnumber men, and they don't.


So the real limit on population growth isn't how many wives a man can have, but how many women can have children.

Consider an example to help me make this clear.


In a very small population of 4 men and 4 women (monogamous this one).

They pair up and 2 children per pair, then die off. The population remains the same.


In an alternative universe one lucky (or unlucky) man actually gets 4 wives, and the other 3 are single.

He has 2 children per wife. 8 children.


The first generation die off.


The population of both examples is the same, polygamy didn't alter anything, except one man had to provide for 8 children and 3 men had strong wrists and comparatively large disposable incomes.

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The fact that there are lots of brown faces in Firth Park doesn't mean immigrants have massive birth rates - it means lots of brown people choose to live in Firth Park.
That on average all have around 4-5 kids.


4-5 kids was the figure you stated yesterday as being about average wasn't it?

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