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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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Anything negative that you say unsupported by hard evidence will be undoubtedly labeled "racist" then immediately dismissed as nonsense I'm afraid. Better go, don't want to risk you getting hit by sniper fire.;)




Oh darn it the "persecution complex" card trumps the race one! :rant:

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I don't think anyone can predict what will happen in 30 years so saying 'It's highly probable" is a bit ridiculous.


Statements like that do not help your argument.


John X


Wouldn't the same apply when saying the muslim population will probably stay the same or decrease within the next 30 years?

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Anything negative that you say unsupported by hard evidence will be undoubtedly labeled "racist" then immediately dismissed as nonsense I'm afraid. Better go, don't want to risk you getting hit by sniper fire.;)


Actually, I'm going to have a go at addressing this properly.


I used an example earlier of someone making a sensational claim that all Wednesdayites were paedophiles. Obviously we know that isn't true, but because of the sensational nature of the accusation the person making it would be (rightly) ridiculed if they did so without "hard evidence" to support it.


Personally I don't like the term "racist" to describe someone even if they're using racist language, because it's too easy and of course the reply is often the kind that you've raised above-and it kills the debate stone dead.


If someone's an (unrepentant) racist, that's their business, provided they don't try to interfere with me, my family or how we choose to live our lives-and that applies to black racists as well as white ones, there are plenty of the former and they're all united under one common flag in my opinion-they're all arseholes without reservation.

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Wouldn't the same apply when saying the muslim population will probably stay the same or decrease within the next 30 years?


Absolutely, another eureka moment!


Which of course is why discussions of this nature have to be taken with a large pinch of salt.


In 30 years time, we might have a common enemy..aliens from space! :wow:

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Regardless of what colour they are - it's false logic to assume that their prevalence is to do with high birthrate.

Where did they come from? Various places, I expect!

If it isn't due to high birthrate and immigration isn't as serious as we're led to believe, what's it's due to then? Are muslims prone to rolling down hills or something?
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Posts deleted for masked swearing as editing the words out doesn't seem to work.


If the word you want to use won't go through the profanity filter, use a less offensive word.

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What a foolish thing to say.
Why is it foolish?


Just because you say something's foolish doesn't automatically make it so.


How come you never produce any hard evidence that could support the claims you make when discrediting views you don't agree with.


Just because your post says Halibut above it doesn't make it right.

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Nobody likes muslims, even muslims don't like muslims. Muslims have more to fear from other muslims than any other people.


It's not for us to prove that this is foolish, it's for you to prove that it's true since it's your assertion.


A moments thought though will make it obvious that you can't prove it, and that it is indeed foolish.

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