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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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I saw an interesting documentary about Indian teenage girls who were growing up in England.


It was pointed out that when their parents generation left India to come here in the 50s/60s they brought India's culture at the time. The thing that was interesting is that the girls had much more freedom when they visited other relatives in India in more recent times.


The theory was that Indian culture is not as strict as it was and has evolved over the decades, with more freedom for young girls. But because the girls parents were not living in India during these times they had stuck to the old codes and have not adopted the new more liberal culture that is common place back home.


This highlights how over generations people change and just because, for example, Muslims, have traditionally had bigger families, they are not forced too in the future.


I reckon there will be big changes within the Muslim communities over the next few generations with a more western style being adopted.


You might want to read this.



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Yeah, really?


Looks like you need to stop being paranoid and avoid being fed the crap you're reading from the DM/The Sun.


Or are you simply making your conclusions based on mosques in various cities (or halal food) these did not just spring up recently- places of worship for all faiths have been part and parcel of this country and has allowed many communities to live together and integrate- something we need to see more of (social cohesion- not eroding it like what the EDL attempt to do). Also Halal foods are big business- you can't tell Tesco, Asda et al to stop stocking them.


Shechita and Halal may well be big business yet the animal rights lobby that are prepared to bomb scientists for using animals in medical research stay quiet about the cruel alien methods of slaughter.

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Shechita and Halal may well be big business yet the animal rights lobby that are prepared to bomb scientists for using animals in medical research stay quiet about the cruel alien methods of slaughter.


That's a good point. No doubt its because the perpetrators are from a different culture. It's inequalities like this that really get my goat. No pun intended.:hihi:


I'd be interested to know why this is; from any animal rights campaigners.

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Is Halal any more cruel than the various industrial means of slaughter used normally?


Interesting question. I have a sneaking suspicion that many of those who claim to oppose Halal on the grounds that it's cruel have never been to a slaughterhouse and witnessed the traditional methods at first hand.


I suspect that if they did, they might change their views - or vow not to eat meat again...

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Shechita and Halal may well be big business yet the animal rights lobby that are prepared to bomb scientists for using animals in medical research stay quiet about the cruel alien methods of slaughter.


It's no more hypocritical than people who moan about halal meat slaughter yet still eat commercially processed meat-none of it is particularly edifying from an animal welfare point of view, in fact there are many reasons to object to the captive bolt method of stunning which is used in conventional slaughter methods, yet I haven't seen any of those with mealy mouths even mention it, yet they wax lyrical about halal meat..90% of which is pre-stunned anyway.

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It's no more hypocritical than people who moan about halal meat slaughter yet ....


Or those rabid misogynists on here, who slag women and women's rights off on the occasional threads which deal with such matters.


Then surprise surprise, all of a sudden they start banging on about how badly Muslim women are treated, how oppressed they are and how their rights are being denied. :suspect:


John X

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