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Assuming Britain actually is a secular country- can it remain so?


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Yes, you're just being ridiculous.


You must think that people who commit crime, and the police, are really really stupid. If someone commits a crime whilst hiding their identity, they then run around the city centre still wearing their disguise... That's not hiding their identity, it's a big sign saying "It was me, come and arrest me".

I agree, it would be ridiculous to suggest such a thing, but since I'm not suggesting it it's of no concern is it.


What I am suggesting is that the chances of the police approaching, stopping, then requesting the removal of the headdress of a Niqab wearer they suspected of being a bank robber would be virtually none existent if they had any doubts about it being an innocent muslim woman. This is the double standard- A result of religious and cultural exemptions.





Posted by Cyclone

Can you imagine if someone dressed normally committed a crime.

Do the police then question every normally dressed person in the vicinity?

Yes, I can Imagine such a scenario, and no, the police wouldn't question every normally dressed person in the vicinity. That would be silly wouldn't it seeing as the term "normally dressed" is open to interpretation as it offers such a wide range of clothing options.


Posted by Cyclone

You have to ask, if it's such a brilliant plan, why isn't it being used more often...

Cultural sensitivity.
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I think if we had figures for the number of crimes committed by women wearing a burka and the number of crimes committed by men wearing EDL balaclavas, facemasks, t-shirts, jackets, etc, it wouldn't be close. The last person I know who committed a crime while wearing religious dress was Tommy Robinson who breached his bail while for some reason disguised badly in orthodox Jewish dress.


The problem with danot, mrmoran, et al, is that their arguments are all based on if this happened, if that happened, etc. It's never facts. That's obviously for 2 reasons - paranoia about an imagined threat and embarrassment about the reality of the criminality of their own side.

Did you not feel an overwhelming sense of irony whilst typing this post?


The only reason there are security measures in place is in case "this happens",or, "that happens", and until UK policy makers are willing to consider every eventually and stop kidding themselves that Niqab wearers and 5" daggers pose no threat, UK security will continue being compromised.

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I reckon this has probably already started.


Travelling from Woodhouse to Chapeltown yesterday afternoon at school chucking out time, I would say that well over half of the Asian schoolgirls I saw were very definitely dressed in the western style. Although most were wearing uniforms, a lot of them had on a short skirt, so fashionable among the young people today (rather than the trousers option) and hairstyles were definitely of the 'modern' variety. Those wearing scarfs or other head covering were definitely in the minority.


Now not all Asians follow Islam there being plenty of Hindus and Sikhs among them, but given that the majority of Asian kids in Darnall and Firth Park where I was, are of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin, I'd say the 'traditionalists' were in the minority.


Which direction these girls go as they get older is by no means certain. In 2011 you would expect them to become more modern rather than less. Ironically, the only thing I can see pushing them backwards rather than forwards would be the racist idiots who insist on calling them, extremist, terrorists and suicide bombers.



John X

Thank Allah they have Islam. Knowing they have their faith must be so reassuring to you
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Do you really think so?


The EDL bloke was was asked to remove his mask under Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994




As the EDL bloke does not go around every day with his face covered, it can be reasonably assumed that he is wearing that mask "wholly or mainly for the purpose of concealing his identity" just for this particular demo.


The Muslim woman on the other hand, wears her face covering all the time including indoors in the company of those who already know her identity. So it can be reasonably assumed that she is not wearing it "wholly or mainly for the purpose of concealing his identity".


Section 60 is being applied correctly in both cases. (except for the glaring gender bias in the legislation lol! :D)


So where is the double standard? :confused:


John X

Then why was my son approached by police for wearing his hood up? We hardly ever see him with it down.. even when he's eating. Why can't the police respect his rights?


Could it be because he's not a muslim woman by any chance??

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Do you really think so?


The EDL bloke was was asked to remove his mask under Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994




As the EDL bloke does not go around every day with his face covered, it can be reasonably assumed that he is wearing that mask "wholly or mainly for the purpose of concealing his identity" just for this particular demo.


The Muslim woman on the other hand, wears her face covering all the time including indoors in the company of those who already know her identity. So it can be reasonably assumed that she is not wearing it "wholly or mainly for the purpose of concealing his identity".


Section 60 is being applied correctly in both cases. (except for the glaring gender bias in the legislation lol! :D)


So where is the double standard? :confused:


John X


Know him personally do you.

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If Britain is a secular state when Christians are the major religious body why should it no longer be secular if a new religion takes over as the major religious body?


Turkey is a muslim country, the great Nationalist Patriotic leader Kemal Attaturk charged the Army with maintaining the Constitution and keeping Government and Faith separate a state of affairs that has prevailed until today but could change soon.


Israel is a Jewish State, however, it is secular ! Israel embraces returning atheist Jews (a contradiction in terms?) Israel deems one to be Jewish by heritage not faith, it is a Racial State and not a Religious one.

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I'd agree it is double standards. They should, on the next demo, wear Hijab's that would be funny....:hihi:


Which the police would also ask them to remove.


John x


Know him personally do you.


I've no idea.


I can't see his face! :D


John X

Which would under any other circumstances pose a security risk. Are you seeing the double standard yet?


Sit further back and squint your eye's, it'll magically appear.:hihi:

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