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POLL: Who still believes in 911 the offical line?


What are your beliefs on 911?  

  1. 1. What are your beliefs on 911?

    • I believe the offical line
    • I don't believe the official line
    • I'm not really sure

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Who did i call an idiot?

Name the person i insulted.

Can you?


Nah, i didnt think you could.


Anyone who thinks that NORAD didnt have a clue what was happening is an idiot.

Anyone who thinks the jets were sent in the wrong direction by accident is a fool.

Anyone who feels that flight 93 was portrayed in an acurate light in the film is a halfwit.


Nuff said.


Yeah. There's no veiled insults toward anyone there. :hihi:


It's like you conspiracy dweebs only see what you want to. It's actually a bizarre phenomenon. But if I have to hold views with your distorted paradigm then I want no part of it. I'd rather believe fairies caused 911 - there's about as much evidence :P

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Yeah. There's no veiled insults toward anyone there. :hihi:



Glad you finaly took the time to read it properly.

I accept yourappology.


It's like you conspiracy dweebs only see what you want to. It's actually a bizarre phenomenon. But if I have to hold views with your distorted paradigm then I want no part of it. I'd rather believe fairies caused 911 - there's about as much evidence :P


Oh no, you had to go and spoil it :(

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Glad you finaly took the time to read it properly.

I accept yourappology.


Oh no, you had to go and spoil it :(


LOL. Do you think you're the first to bring 'enlightenment' to the "sheep" of Sheffield Forum? You're just another in a long line of stereotypical conspiracy clones who act, post, and behave just like all the others. You're just a blip; nothing more.


I've seen a hundred like you on here and they've all gone off with their delusional heads up their butts, thinking they've spread the gospel of false propaganda across the forum.


But, by all means, do continue playing the fool. Your insults are so totally new to me. They really do completely take me by surprise.


Oh for a new record. This one's broken!

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You've actually found one which has a complete idea of what happened?! All the one's I've ever spoken with have only had an idea of what didn't happen (the official story), and when questioned as to what they think happened instead, come up with little bits with no overall narrative or reasoning, and say it's not their job to explain what really happened, just to expose the Government as liars.


It's easy to dismiss the official story, when there isn't really one as far as I'm aware. I have heard no official government claims that the precise motivations, and actions of the terrorists, and the precise sequence of events, were known.


It would be naive of course to think that governments don't lie on occasion, and/or get things wrong. But it doesn't disprove the fact that Islamic nutcases took control of some planes and flew, or attempted to fly, them into buildings and murdered many innocent people.


The mundane fact that governments can be manipulative and/incompetent isn't really what motivates the conspiracists.


Type "9/11 what" into google and you will immediately presented with the choice "9/11 what really happened", and numerous links to sites that do claim to have "a complete idea of what happened".


The conspiracists are only interested in fantasy, they might even be amused and entertained by it. But it is dangerous fantasy, that only serves to help the cause of the terrorists themselves. :(

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LOL. Do you think you're the first to bring 'enlightenment' to the "sheep" of Sheffield Forum? You're just another in a long line of stereotypical conspiracy clones who act, post, and behave just like all the others. You're just a blip; nothing more.


I've seen a hundred like you on here and they've all gone off with their delusional heads up their butts, thinking they've spread the gospel of false propaganda across the forum.


But, by all means, do continue playing the fool. Your insults are so totally new to me. They really do completely take me by surprise.


Oh for a new record. This one's broken!


Records are old hat, you shouldbe using CDs or SSD by now.

For the record im not a stereotypical conspiracy clone who act, post, and behave just like all the others. I dont think the FBI was behind JFK's killing, i believe we did land on the moon and i also dont think aliens visit us on a daily basis.

I also believed 100% that it was muslim terrorists who took down the towers,, AT FIRST. Having seen a lot of reports and spoken to a few people who were there plus a load of other things i dont have the time to go into now i changed my mind.

I think it was an inside job.

So shoot me :roll:

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Records are old hat, you shouldbe using CDs or SSD by now.

For the record im not a stereotypical conspiracy clone who act, post, and behave just like all the others.


LMAO. Sorry but I can find 80 odd posts that would utterly disagree.


To everyone else: it's like talking to a dog. There's a reaction there behind the eyes but your words never quite sink in.

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