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POLL: Who still believes in 911 the offical line?


What are your beliefs on 911?  

  1. 1. What are your beliefs on 911?

    • I believe the offical line
    • I don't believe the official line
    • I'm not really sure

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Either you're trying to be funny, in which case you aren't. Or you're thick, in which case you are.


Neither - the question was asked incorrectly - 911 is a real line, 9/11 was a terrorist attack in the US... Two very different things - perhaps it is you who are the thick one? :rolleyes:

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I visited Ground Zero in July. It was a very moving experience. I think in the minds of many Americans it has become something of a sacred spot.


All the conspiracy rubbish spouted by the America phobes was already posted on another thread some months ago which ran to near a 100 pages.


To those members who expressed respect in their posts I say thank you all very much.


To those others who dont know what the word respect means I just say "get some class and an education along with it"

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I visited Ground Zero in July. It was a very moving experience. I think in the minds of many Americans it has become something of a sacred spot.


All the conspiracy rubbish spouted by the America phobes was already posted on another thread some months ago which ran to near a 100 pages.


To those members who expressed respect in their posts I say thank you all very much.


To those others who dont know what the word respect means I just say "get some class and an education along with it"


Not sure if i expressed respect but i have tried to explain that the conspiracy theorists are talking utter drivel.


Unfortunately these theorists will believe anything that strays from any official line. They are blinded to scientific and practical proof and prefer to believe any old nut job posting a blog on the net.


I also find it interesting that the conspiracy nuts choose to post from new accounts, rather than use their usual accounts.

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It's only the type of folk who believe that the US staged 7 fake moon missions who still cling to these totally unbelievable and groundless theories about the WTC attacks...an why on earth start another thread about it when theres a mega one knocking about somewhere.

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So I presume you also mean that all columns weakened at the same time with some miraculous non resistance


Are you an engineer? An architect? To my knowledge the consensus amongst serious qualified engineers is in line with the official report.


Judging by your reference to JFK it seems you are a habitual conspiracy theorist. It would help us gauge your credibility if you informed us what conspiracies you believe in and which you dismiss. Do you for example believe the moon landings were fake?

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You really hit the nail on the head with that user name didn't you...


No one apart from you conspiracy nut jobs believe that jet fuel melted the main steel supports. All it did was weaken them. If you could be bothered to look in to it you would also find that hundreds of steel framed buildings collapse during fires. The reason building #7 collapsed was just the same except it was on fire for a lot longer.


All these rocks being thrown but none of you can come up with a reasoned argument as to how America went about bringing the towers down :roll:



Right. I'm off to take pictures of the fairies down the bottom of my garden.


Er yes i did. Its my name:loopy:

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