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POLL: Who still believes in 911 the offical line?


What are your beliefs on 911?  

  1. 1. What are your beliefs on 911?

    • I believe the offical line
    • I don't believe the official line
    • I'm not really sure

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/sigh. It's as though reality just passes you by...


The saddest part of this comment is that you only have to actually LOOK at the first page to see who cast the first insult with the word 'idiot'.


Now, I wonder who that could have been... :gag:


Who did i call an idiot?

Name the person i insulted.

Can you?


Nah, i didnt think you could.

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It's amazing how they manage to hit the runway at the end of every flight.



(JFK runway 46m wide, WTC 63m wide)


Amazing isn't it?


Not forgetting that there was two adjacent towers, making the target three times wider than a runway.


And that's just the vertical plane comparison, the horizontal plane comparison is even more marked since the towers were over 400m high and the window of approach to a runway is much narrower.


My brother-in-law was until recently a RAF navigator, and I have been in discussions with him and pilots about this very aspect of the conspiracy hypothesis. The idea that the terrorists could not possibly have the requisite skills to hit their targets is so laughably naive, it could only be maintained by somebody that had already made their mind up despite the evidence.


As for the OP ... the idea that there is actually an "official line" seems nonsense. I have never heard anybody but a conspiracy hypothesist claim that they know exactly what happened, in fact I don't need to listen to somebody else's version of what happened, it was plainly obvious.


As with all these conspiracy fantasies, it is built on the shaky concept that governments that are incompetent with almost everything, and unable to persuade on almost anything, can suddenly attain almost supernatural powers of competence and persuasion. :loopy:

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Who did i call an idiot?

Name the person i insulted.

Can you?


Nah, i didnt think you could.


You insulted plenty of folk with your very first post:


Anyone who thinks that NORAD didnt have a clue what was happening is an idiot.

Anyone who thinks the jets were sent in the wrong direction by accident is a fool.

Anyone who feels that flight 93 was portrayed in an acurate light in the film is a halfwit.


NORAD were told to screw up.

The fighter jets were misdirected for a reason.

Flight 93 was shot down with No passengers on board.


Oh and it was a misslie that hit the Pentagon.

Nuff said.

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As with any conspiracy theory this one falls down due to the sheer scale of the organisation required and the number of people necessary to perpetrate the atrocity. The number would have to be in the hundreds if not the low thousands and, given most people's avarice, even a small percentage of those selling their story would give the media pause for thought in their almost universal acceptance and reporting of the official line.


They've not come forward so we can dismiss any major divergence from the official story as the ravings of lunatics.

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I have never heard anybody but a conspiracy hypothesist claim that they know exactly what happened, in fact I don't need to listen to somebody else's version of what happened, it was plainly obvious.


You've actually found one which has a complete idea of what happened?! All the one's I've ever spoken with have only had an idea of what didn't happen (the official story), and when questioned as to what they think happened instead, come up with little bits with no overall narrative or reasoning, and say it's not their job to explain what really happened, just to expose the Government as liars.

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