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Leaving Do's, Xmas Parties or B'day's!


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The fountain bar used to do a free buffet upstairs if you have enough bodies going. Don't know if they still do


Our lot are going to BB's italian this year, we're taking our own booze.


Depends on what you want, when we do stuff with work we usually line our stomachs in a restaurant and then go on a pub crawl.

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I'm having the Pitz on Woodbourn Road on 16th December, for my 21st. We've had it before. Bar, seperate room for food and large enough dance floor. You pay a deposit and get it back if more than 60 people turn up. It's now called Power League I think!

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We're trying Takapuna this year, me and officegirl usually organise something for our friends. For the last couple of years we've been to Las Iguanas but we thought we'd try something different.


Bar and buffet (food seems quite reasonable) and they allow children till 8pm.


Will let you know how it turns out.

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