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Sexually transmitted disease experiments by American government .

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But it's OK for them to be incarcerated against their will?!


Anyone else see the flaw here?


If people have been convicted of a crime that merits jail, then of course it's OK for them to go to jail.


It's not Ok to give them dieases in the name of research.

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If people have been convicted of a crime that merits jail, then of course it's OK for them to go to jail.


It's not Ok to give them dieases in the name of research.


I don't see why not. It gives them an actual use, rather than sitting around doing nothing for X years.


But, sadly, there's no consistency in what you're saying. What you appear to be saying is that criminals have lost the right to 'some' liberties, but not others.


The issue is where you draw the line and in your case, it seems to be entirely arbitrary.

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Of course that's the case. In any civilised country.


Adding 'civilised' does not give your argument any more weight.


You can't start putting levels on human rights, either one has rights or one does not. If not, then let's just let all the criminals run riot on the streets.


If one has committed a crime, they should be expected to lose their rights and to best perform in society.


Is this WAS the case (and managed to somehow get past the bleeding heart liberals) it'd be a huge deterrent, and prison wouldn't be the thieves of the future breeding ground it is today.

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Adding 'civilised' does not give your argument any more weight.


You can't start putting levels on human rights, either one has rights or one does not. If not, then let's just let all the criminals run riot on the streets.


If one has committed a crime, they should be expected to lose their rights and to best perform in society.


Is this WAS the case (and managed to somehow get past the bleeding heart liberals) it'd be a huge deterrent, and prison wouldn't be the thieves of the future breeding ground it is today.


I can scarcely remember the last time I heard such a load of nonsense.


What does the sentence 'If one has comitted a crime, they should expect to lose their rights and to best perform in society' even mean?


If someone commits a crime and the sentence is that they spend time in jail it's obvious that they've lost the right to freedom of movement.

They still have the right to food and fresh air and life among others - it's been that way for many years.

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Sounds like jackpot time in Vegas. A group of Guatamalans who were involved in these experiments suing the US government almost 70 years later?? :huh:


Trust Obama... the universal apologist for everything'


I'm afraid I'm going to reiterate what others have said Harley, if a government of a supposed civilised country has engaged in the experiments that are claimed, then they should show they have a pair of balls and take responsibility for their actions instead of engaging in the dark arts of subterfuge.


An apology is a good place to start and if the 'victims' are still alive they should be compensated fully too.

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Shame about the exaggerations in the post above.


‘Thousands’ - about 1300.


‘Orphans’ - prisoners, psychiatric patients and sex workers.


..and how many might have been infected subsequently by these 1300 going on to have sex with others? The article claims only 700 went on to have any treatment for the infections.

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I don't see why not. It gives them an actual use, rather than sitting around doing nothing for X years.


But, sadly, there's no consistency in what you're saying. What you appear to be saying is that criminals have lost the right to 'some' liberties, but not others.


The issue is where you draw the line and in your case, it seems to be entirely arbitrary.


No the line isn't arbitrary in the slightest, people who digress are aware of the consequences of their actions if they're caught-they lose their liberty and go to prison, after a court hearing and legal representation.


Having concentrated syphilis bacteria injected into their eyes without their knowledge isn't something they bought into, and I doubt the wider population would have endorsed it either.


It also seems to fly in the face of the Fourteenth Amendment of the US constitution, something that all patriotic Americans hold dear and subscribe to:


"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

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