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Sexually transmitted disease experiments by American government .

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I think it does. If got sent to prison, God forbid - would you rather it was here or in Iraq or Somalia?


Can I choose where? Perhaps somewhere less violent, where human rights are acknowledged and they let you out a bit more, to walk around the exercise yard an that. . what are the jails like in Magaluf?

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They certainly do, some of them contracted illnesses that were given to them by a government without their knowledge.


Really?!?! I thought this thread was about the boundary that America and Guatamala shared, I'd heard that America was caught trimming hedges that didn't belong to them.

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I would say that Viet vets who were exposed to agent orange and the families of other vets who were used in experiments in Nevada atomic tests in the 1950s have a better claim to compensation than a few aging Guatamalan fortune hunters


Ageing Guatamalans? I imagine the Viet Vets are ageing now as well. And it was their own government that harmed them. In any case why play one off against the other. Surely all of them should get compensation.


I don't see why not. It gives them an actual use, rather than sitting around doing nothing for X years.


I hadn't realised Josef Mengele was still alive.


Oh God, not another antiwestern thread started by another moaning muslim.


Best one yet, Mecky. Guatamala is a predominantly Christian (over 90%). So why would a "moaning Muslim" moan about non-Muslims being abused? I think you'll find that neither the OP nor the vicitms are Muslim. Only a paranoiac would bring Islam into this.

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Best one yet, Mecky. Guatamala is a predominantly Christian (over 90%). So why would a "moaning Muslim" moan about non-Muslims being abused? I think you'll find that neither the OP nor the vicitms are Muslim. Only a paranoiac would bring Islam into this.


Well spotted. Would you like some bacon to go with egg on your face Mecky?

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I'm afraid I'm going to reiterate what others have said Harley, if a government of a supposed civilised country has engaged in the experiments that are claimed, then they should show they have a pair of balls and take responsibility for their actions instead of engaging in the dark arts of subterfuge.


An apology is a good place to start and if the 'victims' are still alive they should be compensated fully too.


Perhaps if they can prove beyond a doubt that they are genuine cases and not people looking for an easy handout and that's the tricky part as there's always the problem of possible fraud involved.


There are still many army veterans from the 1950s and 60s with health problems and who through their service records can prove that they were actually serving in areas where agent orange and atomic radiation was present at that particular time.


So far none of this has worked for them

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