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Sexually transmitted disease experiments by American government .

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Oh God, not another antiwestern thread started by another moaning muslim.


No my dear you are wrong in so many ways -


I'm not "anti west" what ever that could mean ( if any one disagreeing with policys created usually by corporations is anti western - then guilty )


And I don't agree with discrimating agaist any minority be it Muslim , judasim or eksimo ). We just learn from history when ever a ethnic minority Is demonized it always ends real bad ? No ? ( I gather u read my post earlier on the forced marriage thread ? It did get removed as I asked if it was fasionable to have weekly islamic phobe threads ?


Any way your thoughts please ....

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Of course. We've got to have one major overreaction against the West a week


Personally, I can't see what all the fuss is about. Criminals should lose many of their liberties - they're criminals - and being subjected to experiments gives them an actual use! Who'd've thought it?


Can't see a downside, actually; but with the gorgeous (but deprived of sense) liberals moaning about everything, nothing like this could ever happen again.


I think you two must be confused -

1. Being anti war is not being anti western


2. Being anti capitalist is not being anti western


3 . Being anti globlists ( eu ) is not being anti western


4 . Talking about evil medical experiments conduted on kids by what still is a government owned and controlled by big business is not being anti western !



I'm sure I speak for a lot of people who I have met in REAL life and who all share the same views ! And they certainly don't look anti western ( what ever you think that means - feel free to give me a description of one )

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I can scarcely remember the last time I heard such a load of nonsense.


What does the sentence 'If one has comitted a crime, they should expect to lose their rights and to best perform in society' even mean?


If someone commits a crime and the sentence is that spend time in jail it's obvious that they've lost the right to freedom of movement.

They still have the right to food and fresh air and life among others - it's been that way for many years.


Pots and kettles, I lubs em ! :hihi:

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I think you two must be confused -

1. Being anti war is not being anti western


2. Being anti capitalist is not being anti western


3 . Being anti globlists ( eu ) is not being anti western


4 . Talking about evil medical experiments conduted on kids by what still is a government owned and controlled by big business is not being anti western !



I'm sure I speak for a lot of people who I have met in REAL life and who all share the same views ! And they certainly don't look anti western ( what ever you think that means - feel free to give me a description of one )



What's worse? Experiments on kids or young girls being forced into marriage with old men and physically mamied if they refuse.


Time to stop this nonsemse and finger pointing. Fact of the matter is the whole world is screwed up in many ways. If it aint about money it's about religion. Take your pick

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I think you two must be confused -

1. Being anti war is not being anti western


2. Being anti capitalist is not being anti western


3 . Being anti globlists ( eu ) is not being anti western


4 . Talking about evil medical experiments conduted on kids by what still is a government owned and controlled by big business is not being anti western !



I'm sure I speak for a lot of people who I have met in REAL life and who all share the same views ! And they certainly don't look anti western ( what ever you think that means - feel free to give me a description of one )


Truthlogic Peas Maker, why do you keep going on about children? Is it somehow relevant to the thread?

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When I first saw this, the cynic in me assumed this was just another disgusting moneygrab disguised as a 'class action lawsuit' by compassionate attorneys concerned with seeing justice done. Of course, justice always involves lots and lots of money. For our UK cousins who don't yet know what a class action lawsuit is...consider yourselves fortunate. Class Action = $12/per plaintiff, millions for law firm bringing the suit. I apologize in advance because if it's easy money, it'll be a 'comin your way soon!


ANYWAY. As cruel as this whole thing is, it seems these little experiments were conducted with the full knowledge and approval of the Guatemalan government. Perhaps they can sue themselves? And don't doctors take a Hippocratic Oath? First, do no harm?


Daily Kos


Democracy Now

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I think you two must be confused -

1. Being anti war is not being anti western


2. Being anti capitalist is not being anti western


3 . Being anti globlists ( eu ) is not being anti western


4 . Talking about evil medical experiments conduted on kids by what still is a government owned and controlled by big business is not being anti western !



I'm sure I speak for a lot of people who I have met in REAL life and who all share the same views ! And they certainly don't look anti western ( what ever you think that means - feel free to give me a description of one )



Are you going to show us the evidence that it was orphan children or are you just lying? The BBC doesn't seem to agree with you and as that is the story you had a link to I'm guessing it is rubbish!

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Truthlogic Peas Maker, why do you keep going on about children? Is it somehow relevant to the thread?


Yeah. I wasn't even going to dignify it with a response! :)


But then, everyone knows I actively "support" child murder!


And I eat babies for breakfast. Mmm. Got a Somalian this morning. Crunchy!


OK. Will I will deny that the above is utterly false, I won't deny that I believe the purpetrators of serious crimes should lose their rights. If they can be put forward for clinical tests that could be harmful to other humans, then I have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever.


But, this is all purely said fun on SF, as this would never, ever happen. Hell, the bleedin' liberals complained so much about 'racial equality' that there's no Nativity at my local school, so something that might upset a few people has no chance - ever - of passing.


Summary: I don't think any innocent being should be harmed. Ever!

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When I first saw this, the cynic in me assumed this was just another disgusting moneygrab disguised as a 'class action lawsuit' by compassionate attorneys concerned with seeing justice done. Of course, justice always involves lots and lots of money. For our UK cousins who don't yet know what a class action lawsuit is...consider yourselves fortunate. Class Action = $12/per plaintiff, millions for law firm bringing the suit. I apologize in advance because if it's easy money, it'll be a 'comin your way soon!


ANYWAY. As cruel as this whole thing is, it seems these little experiments were conducted with the full knowledge and approval of the Guatemalan government. Perhaps they can sue themselves? And don't doctors take a Hippocratic Oath? First, do no harm?


Daily Kos


Democracy Now



Right on the money again as usual Sierra. One of the curses of American society are the bloodsucking lawyers. Just look in the Yellow Pages. Must be 50 pages alone and then one in five TV commercials are for lawyers.


Litigation for the smallest reason is a way of life here.

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Right on the money again as usual Sierra. One of the curses of American society are the bloodsucking lawyers. Just look in the Yellow Pages. Must be 50 pages alone and then one in five TV commercials are for lawyers.


Litigation for the smallest reason is a way of life here.


Hey Harley, buy any Microsoft products lately? ;):D


We've received several 'opt out" notices for class action lawsuits this year so far. You ALWAYS have to opt out, otherwise they will sue on your behalf. Well, you and 50 gazillion other people. It's your hard luck if you don't let them know you want your share of whatever they can extort from some company. Ours range from a former mortgage lender, to Microsoft (something about an xbox 360 subscription) to everyone who bought a certain type of appliance at Sears from 2009-2011. My daughter got one from her former employer. Something about time cards not being calculated properly. The worst part is, the people who were actually impacted by whatever wrongdoing will get a very small monetary award. Usually less than $100/per plaintiff. The bulk of the money goes to the bloodsucking lawyers.


In cases of true injustice, we need lawyers. So help me, I have several family members who are attorneys. I know they have to eat too, but things are so far out of hand it's ridiculous. Class action lawsuits are all about casting a wide net. And in the end, the cost just gets passed on to the consumer.


And President Obama apologized, which everyone knows is an admission of culpability. What they SHOULD do is take every penny of that money and build a hospital and some schools, or fix the damn roads. :rant:

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