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Sexually transmitted disease experiments by American government .

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Hey Harley, buy any Microsoft products lately? ;):D


We've received several 'opt out" notices for class action lawsuits this year so far. You ALWAYS have to opt out, otherwise they will sue on your behalf. Well, you and 50 gazillion other people. It's your hard luck if you don't let them know you want your share of whatever they can extort from some company. Ours range from a former mortgage lender, to Microsoft (something about an xbox 360 subscription) to everyone who bought a certain type of appliance at Sears from 2009-2011. My daughter got one from her former employer. Something about time cards not being calculated properly. The worst part is, the people who were actually impacted by whatever wrongdoing will get a very small monetary award. Usually less than $100/per plaintiff. The bulk of the money goes to the bloodsucking lawyers.


In cases of true injustice, we need lawyers. So help me, I have several family members who are attorneys. I know they have to eat too, but things are so far out of hand it's ridiculous. Class action lawsuits are all about casting a wide net. And in the end, the cost just gets passed on to the consumer.


And President Obama apologized, which everyone knows is an admission of culpability. What they SHOULD do is take every penny of that money and build a hospital and some schools, or fix the damn roads. :rant:




I dont have much time for lawyers. The only time I got involved with one was when we decided to do a living trust and that cost almost 1,800 dollars but the alternative was just to do a will which does nothing to stop the probate process which automatically takes place when a property owner/s die, costs a lot more as well as tying up the property for a long time before the designated heir gets access to it.


So they've got you both ways in the end. Pay an arm and a leg for a Living Trust or dump your kids with high probate costs after you're gone :rolleyes:

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What's worse? Experiments on kids or young girls being forced into marriage with old men and physically mamied if they refuse.


Time to stop this nonsemse and finger pointing. Fact of the matter is the whole world is screwed up in many ways. If it aint about money it's about religion. Take your pick


Which is worse ? I don't know and personally why would I start to try and figure it out ?


Both examples are horrid acts which need exposing / punishing / being put a stop too ,



Both examples are two different things how can you compare the actions of a world super power with the actions of a "few" individuals ?

Yes of coarse it's about money - it's very true money is the root of all evil . Well most coporate exploition of 3rd world nations ( hundreds of examples out there )



Plead can you condem te American government actions ? No ?

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No the line isn't arbitrary in the slightest, people who digress are aware of the consequences of their actions if they're caught-they lose their liberty and go to prison, after a court hearing and legal representation.


Having concentrated syphilis bacteria injected into their eyes without their knowledge isn't something they bought into, and I doubt the wider population would have endorsed it either.


It also seems to fly in the face of the Fourteenth Amendment of the US constitution, something that all patriotic Americans hold dear and subscribe to:


"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."




Thanks for the reminder - maybe some of these posters need reminding of the foundations the united states was created on ?


Guess people who think its ok to experiment on prisoners or " other humans "


May need to b educated on what the " west" should really stand for ?

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Do they like testing other things also ?


Personally I cannot comment much as I don’t know enough about both issues but some may find it of interest.


LSD and the case of Frank Olson.





Suicides in France






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Truthlogic Peas Maker, why do you keep going on about children? Is it somehow relevant to the thread?


Right let me see -

1. Muslim

2. Anti western ( still don't know what that means


3. Truthlogic( ًsorry don't know how to put a line through it )


I have 90 posts

You have 2000 posts


Still no one can tell me who and why thread was changed


And yes I have stated there are many many reports on this subect I only provided one link so that any one in doubt about the validity of this subject could be educated to the fact -


Now how many times in history have prisoners been experimented on ?


If you are in doubt about children also being included I suggest you do a little google search .

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Do they like testing other things also ?


Personally I cannot comment much as I don’t know enough about both issues but some may find it of interest.


LSD and the case of Frank Olson.





Suicides in France










Correct me if I am wrong -

Gulf war 1 . American soldiers were given untested medicine ?


Forced upon them ?

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Right let me see -

1. Muslim

2. Anti western ( still don't know what that means


3. Truthlogic( ًsorry don't know how to put a line through it )


I have 90 posts

You have 2000 posts


Still no one can tell me who and why thread was changed


And yes I have stated there are many many reports on this subect I only provided one link so that any one in doubt about the validity of this subject could be educated to the fact -


Now how many times in history have prisoners been experimented on ?


If you are in doubt about children also being included I suggest you do a little google search .


What has this got to do with my post? :huh:

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Which is worse ? I don't know and personally why would I start to try and figure it out ?


Both examples are horrid acts which need exposing / punishing / being put a stop too ,



Both examples are two different things how can you compare the actions of a world super power with the actions of a "few" individuals ?

Yes of coarse it's about money - it's very true money is the root of all evil . Well most coporate exploition of 3rd world nations ( hundreds of examples out there )



Plead can you condem te American government actions ? No ?




Haven't figured out if you're a Marxist or a Muslim with a chip on the shoulder but I think you are one or the other. :hihi: :hihi:

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Haven't figured out if you're a Marxist or a Muslim with a chip on the shoulder but I think you are one or the other. :hihi: :hihi:


Do you care to comment on the clearly illegal

Experiments conducted by YOUR government ?


Or any words on the countless CIA sponsored coups , assignations , military / economic actions against the people of this world by this "government "?


( that 2nd was the subject of out lat conversation ?


Or are these very real subjects a little hard for you talk about ?


Define a marxists ( In Your own words if you can )

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Do you care to comment on the clearly illegal

Experiments conducted by YOUR government ?


Or any words on the countless CIA sponsored coups , assignations , military / economic actions against the people of this world by this "government "?


( that 2nd was the subject of out lat conversation ?


Or are these very real subjects a little hard for you talk about ?


Define a marxists ( In Your own words if you can )


Certainly from your past posts you have clearly categorized yourself as being basically anti-American. I'm sure you comb through numerous articles on You-Tube to come up with the stuff you do. I haven't been a member of this Forum for 4 years without being able to identify the various types of members and their political synpathies and personal opinions.


In your case you clearly fall into the category mentioned above. Never a word mentioned about past atrocities committed by the Sovier Union, the repression of civl rights in modern China or the heinous acts committed against women in the name of Islamic extremism.


This narrow minded outlook only makes you something of a bore and a stick in the mud IMO


As for Marxist my definition is of someone who believes in a social system that is completely unworkable and impractical when applied to human nature.


Your naive statement that money is the root of all evil only reinforces that statement. You should avoid statements like that if you dont consider yourself a resident of Cloud Cuckoo Land


Money makes the world go round. It buys the comforts we need, encourages new ideas in business and advances research in every field of endeavour that the human mind is capable of. Moreover it provides work and employment for the very large majority of us :o Is that surprising? :D

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