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Sexually transmitted disease experiments by American government .

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Certainly from your past posts you have clearly categorized yourself as being basically anti-American. I'm sure you comb through numerous articles on You-Tube to come up with the stuff you do. I haven't been a member of this Forum for 4 years without being able to identify the various types of members and their political synpathies and personal opinions.


In your case you clearly fall into the category mentioned above. Never a word mentioned about past atrocities committed by the Sovier Union, the repression of civl rights in modern China or the heinous acts committed against women in the name of Islamic extremism.


This narrow minded outlook only makes you something of a bore and a stick in the mud IMO


As for Marxist my definition is of someone who believes in a social system that is completely unworkable and impractical when applied to human nature.


Your naive statement that money is the root of all evil only reinforces that statement. You should avoid statements like that if you dont consider yourself a resident of Cloud Cuckoo Land


Money makes the world go round. It buys the comforts we need, encourages new ideas in business and advances research in every field of endeavour that the human mind is capable of. Moreover it provides work and employment for the very large majority of us :o Is that surprising? :D


No mr harleyman you again are wrong - you are probably the only user here who I have had the most contact with yet you fail again .


1. No I am not anti American or anti west - yet the subjects which are being discussed go against every thing America stands for or what foundations it was created on -! ( the hundreds of CIA spomsored coups , assinations , wars etc etc see my other thread ). Or the latests THIS THEAD .



2.YouTube ?- what utter rubbish ! Pick up a history book if you have doubt about the imprial nature of the government which is pulling everyones strings !



3. Yes sure we can talk about chinas record or what ever - but the subject raised was evil / barbaric / inhumane secret medical experiments on unsuspecting locals of another nation ( I did ask if any other government had done anything like it before , and got some interesting links from another user ...


Did you read any of them ?


And no I will not try and stir racial hate , there are enough Muslim threads here , and new ones arising -



Now do you have any comment on this subject ?




( if you think the current system is working , I think it's you who is on cukko Koooo land ! Unless you are a banker then it's really is working for JUST you £

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