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Travellers to be evicted from Dale Farm, Essex

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In the case of Dale Farm they didn't have planning permission and that's that. There are sites for travellers and they obviously have money in this case. They bought the site and then ignored the laws. It would be wrong to allow them to build on greenbelt land and deny other people that right. Laws are there to protect the environment and they flouted these.


Its also worth pointing out that this isn't a sudden issue of the council turning up and throwing them off the land with no notice, this has been going on for years. Its only the threat of bulldozers that's attracted the attention of the media.

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Its also worth pointing out that this isn't a sudden issue of the council turning up and throwing them off the land with no notice, this has been going on for years. Its only the threat of bulldozers that's attracted the attention of the media.


Where are they supposed to go? There's a shortage of suitable sites.

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It does if you believe that sex before marriage is immoral.


only to yourself, but if you think sex before marriage is wrong but that grabbing a girl and forcing her to snog you so that she has to marry you is fine, then you have some weird things going on in your head.

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Travellers do get bad press and it is not without reason either, just because you belong to a minority does not exempt you from the law of the land.

Whilst working in Northern Ireland some years ago Ì had the mis-fortune of working in Dungannon. Í arrived in the evening and noticed what looked like a festival site in the bottom of the valley just outside the town centre. Ì asked the landlord of the hotel if it was indeed a festival and he told me that it was (in his words) a diddy camp, travellers to you and me and under NO circumstances to go anywhere near it for my own safety. He told me stories of murders and beatings and the fact that the local guarda would not go in for fear of a full scale riot ! They were a law upon themselves and literally got away with murder.

Needless to say Ì kept well clear but it didn't stop them syphoning my diesel and stealing the spare wheel from my lorry. The thieves were caught on cctv but nothing ever came of it and Ì lost nearly £400 worth of diesel and nearly £600 worth of spare wheel.

It is true that you cannot tar everyone with the same brush but by and large they are not to be trusted. Ì sincerely hope that the planned eviction goes ahead without kicking off but it will kick off and as unfortunate as it will be yes, the kids will witness it and draw malice from it.

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If the law permitted it then maybe just maybe Ì would but it doesn't so tooled up coppers and bulldozers will have to suffice.

Should get better ratings than anything Simon Cowell spews out.


Why not nip down and tool up the pikeys? Then you could guarantee an armed conflict. We could have our own Waco!

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Ireland would do.


Why do you think they are all over here? The majority are over here because Ireland cracked down on them about 20-30 years ago.


And in answer to Halibut's 'Where would they go'. They have exactly the same options open as anybody else who becomes homeless, they can apply to a local authority for housing (for which they are legally a priority), rent privately, buy some land where there is actually planning permission.


Basically they could do exactly what the rest of us do and cut our coat to fit our cloth and not expect to be able to ride roughshod over everybody else, doing what we want and expect to be allowed to break the law because we have chosen a particular lifestyle.

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Why not nip down and tool up the pikeys? Then you could guarantee an armed conflict. We could have our own Waco!


To be honest I am rather hoping this will backfire on the travellers. People aren't in a very forgiving mood with mass disorder at the moment and I'm rather hoping they kick off big style blow up all the stuff they're threatening to blow up and throw all the rocks they're threatening to throw just so people can see them at their absolute best.

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