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Ethnic Breakdown of the UK-Mapped

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So you are on record as fundamentally opposing a 'Jewish State' , everyone is an individual and should be judged as such?


No I'm not - I'm on record as saying that I judge people by their character and not their skin colour or background.


Must you bring your obsession with Jews into everything?

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The sensitivity for non white faces really kicked in after I rushed to the Homerton Hospital having been informed that my brother had been stabbed.


It turned out that it was my brother's own fault he was wearing a Union Flag tee-shirt in sunny Hackney (our home) on a saturday afternoon.


Well I'm genuinely sorry to hear about your brother's assault and hope his assailants were caught and dealt with severely. But by omission you're insinuating they were non white and this is the reason for your sensitivity to non white faces?


In 1979, I was assaulted by a skinhead (white) at the bottom of Beech Hill Road, whilst making my way home after a party the day before I was going on holiday.


We had a bit of a rumble and I'd say honours were even by the time his girlfriend had managed to drag him off me. The point I'm making is it didn't create any over sensitivity towards white folks on my part, or more importantly skinheads because the only person I held responsible for the assault was the man who attacked me, not the ethnic group he was a member of.


Of course we're all affected differently by things like this so I'm not being critical of your own view, but not all of the 20% of black folks in Hackney attacked your brother, the majority will have been disgusted by it as I am, people like Pauline Pearce would have been among them

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I don't dislike 'darkies' per se. I do know the 'manor' in Hackney and anyone who disregards local knowledge does so at their peril.


Diane Abbot Cambridge graduate convinced socialist would be leader of NuLabour and Local MP was against private education until her 'little boy' had to go to secondary school, did she send him to the fine culturally enriched educational establishments in the People's Republic of Hackney ? Did she hell, she didn't want her little boy mixing with the murderous raping gangs off to private school for you m'lad ;)


She was only using local knowledge ;)


I guess the same must have applied to the Blairs when sending their kids to the London Oratory School so they could avoid the murderous, raping gangs of Connaught Square? ;)

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In fairness I once had an office on Pontefract Road in Lundwood, and felt like Nelson Mandela walking to the shops to get a pint of milk in the morning :hihi:


we deliver papers to lundwood every morning...and i have never seen nelson mandela...only lord lucan riding shergar whilst collecting scrap.

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Some figures here, less than half 48% of Hackney residents identify themselves as White British,



Very good report retep, the most comprehensive of its type of seen. Since others were referring to 'trends' earlier, it's interesting to note that the % white population in Hackney is forecasted to remain quite stable until 2026 (Graph 1.8 ).


It's also interesting to note that in 2006/07 14000 new residents entered the borough, but 17000 left. Yes they may well be mainly white folks, but if that is the case the ethnic distribution is being skewed by one group leaving more than non whites increasing in number.

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I moved to sheffield last year to attend uni, a major concern was that i wouldn't 'fit in' im mixed-race and thought it would be harder to make friends as i wouldnt be seen as 'white' and perhaps only a 'foreign student' which im not. The attitude of some people on these forums is horrible, sometimes people forget about mixed race people who dont lump into 'white' or 'foreign'.

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