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Ethnic Breakdown of the UK-Mapped

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Following on from another thread where the question of Britain's future secularity was being debated, the Office for National Statistics have produced an interactive map, showing the ethnic mix of the large conurbations.


Whilst a few areas have large numbers of non white faces, the overwhelming majority of Britain describes itself as 'white, British'.


Sheffield has a population of 547,000.


86% describe themselves as white.

Asians account for 7%

Black British 2.5%

Mixed 2%

Chinese 1.3%


The map can be clicked on to see the ethnic mix in other areas.




These figures do show that there is still an overwhelming majority at the time the stat snapshot was taken, although I believe this was some time ago.


I guess the post was to show immigration sceptic people like myself we have nothing worry about, but the real data we are concerned about is the progression between the demographic snapshots over the decades.


Wait till the 2011 census figures are published, compare them to the 2001, and project these figures over the coming decades. THAT will illustrate why we who kinda like England how it was in the last century are getting a little jittery.


It's not about colour of skin, but there is certainly something great about a nation that is singing from the same hymn sheet.


We aren't going to benefit from fractured society with distrust between the different cultures in the long run.


We also don't need the rise of religion coming in overseas, I think we as a nation have matured to keep our beliefs out of day to day life for almost the first period since the dawn of civilization here. Any reversal of this is certainly a backward step.

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Wait till the 2011 census figures are published, compare them to the 2001, and project these figures over the coming decades. THAT will illustrate why we who kinda like England how it was in the last century are getting a little jittery.


It's not about colour of skin, but there is certainly something great about a nation that is singing from the same hymn sheet.


The last century? Were things the same in 1999 as they were in 1901? I think anyone born in 1901 would have found Britain a strange country in 1999 regardless of immigration. The social, political and economic changes were masive, so I think you'd be better off narrowing it down to a more specific timescale and saying what was so great about it. Personally I'd go for the sixties. Full employment and Bob Dylan. Groovy.


As for the same hymn sheet, we are a pluralistic society where differences are tolerated. Again singing from the same hymn sheet is too vague. Who gets to choose the hymns? My choice of hymns would be different from that of most other white people born here due to generational, economic, regional and all kinds of other differences not related to immigration.

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Very good report retep, the most comprehensive of its type of seen. Since others were referring to 'trends' earlier, it's interesting to note that the % white population in Hackney is forecasted to remain quite stable until 2026 (Graph 1.8 ).


It's also interesting to note that in 2006/07 14000 new residents entered the borough, but 17000 left. Yes they may well be mainly white folks, but if that is the case the ethnic distribution is being skewed by one group leaving more than non whites increasing in number.


Why do you think the white people are leaving? its called white flight and it shows that no matter what our so called leaders tell us we dont by and large want to live in high immigrant areas.Of course some might call it the ethnic cleansing of our capital city.;)

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The last century? Were things the same in 1999 as they were in 1901? I think anyone born in 1901 would have found Britain a strange country in 1999 regardless of immigration. The social, political and economic changes were masive, so I think you'd be better off narrowing it down to a more specific timescale and saying what was so great about it. Personally I'd go for the sixties. Full employment and Bob Dylan. Groovy.


As for the same hymn sheet, we are a pluralistic society where differences are tolerated. Again singing from the same hymn sheet is too vague. Who gets to choose the hymns? My choice of hymns would be different from that of most other white people born here due to generational, economic, regional and all kinds of other differences not related to immigration.


Haha, well pointed out, and good point at the top. At least a natural progression of the country from last century based on the values and culture already laid down might be a better way to put it.....


And yeah of course everyone is different but massive immigration can only mean more divisions than before.

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Why do you think the white people are leaving? its called white flight and it shows that no matter what our so called leaders tell us we dont by and large want to live in high immigrant areas.Of course some might call it the ethnic cleansing of our capital city.;)


I am certainly not subscribing to use of the term "ethnic cleansing", but the following is a fact of note.


The population of London in 1931 was roughly the same as in 2001.


However in 2001 only 59% described themselves as White British. I can't find a figure for 1931, but I bet it was probably around the 85% plus mark???


Seriously looks like a lot of us White British legged it out of there.......


Why? Serious answers please, I can't work it out.

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I am certainly not subscribing to use of the term "ethnic cleansing", but the following is a fact of note.


The population of London in 1931 was roughly the same as in 2001.


However in 2001 only 59% described themselves as White British. I can't find a figure for 1931, but I bet it was probably around the 85% plus mark???


Seriously looks like a lot of us White British legged it out of there.......


Why? Serious answers please, I can't work it out.


You might not want to use the term ethnic cleansing but I will,because thats whats happend,as for the reason well we tend to feel more comfortable around our own,our kith and kin folk and our own culture and way of life.

So lets not beat about the bush lets be brutaly honest,the trouble is many are simply afraid to tell the truth in case they are labelled racist.But you know what the people voted for this,they are complicit in the ethnic cleansing of their own country and so deserve this sad state of affairs.

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You might not want to use the term ethnic cleansing but I will,because thats whats happend,as for the reason well we tend to feel more comfortable around our own,our kith and kin folk and our own culture and way of life.

So lets not beat about the bush lets be brutaly honest,the trouble is many are simply afraid to tell the truth in case they are labelled racist.But you know what the people voted for this,they are complicit in the ethnic cleansing of their own country and so deserve this sad state of affairs.


White flight isn't ethnic cleansing.

It's not forced and there's no threat of being killed involved.

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Why do you think the white people are leaving? its called white flight and it shows that no matter what our so called leaders tell us we dont by and large want to live in high immigrant areas.Of course some might call it the ethnic cleansing of our capital city.;)


Why do I think white people are leaving? Probably for the same reason black people are leaving who are in a position to do so-it's called self improvement.


BritPat earlier playfully highlighted the hypocrisy of Diane Abbott, MP for Hackney, yet sends her kids to private school. Yes hypocritical indeed, but I bet she no nearer lives to Hackney than Nick Clegg lives to Hallam, her backside will never be seen on the number 30 to Hackney Wick.


The poor white working class, want to extricate themselves from the sink estates of bad housing, poor schools and high crime, the fact there are many non white faces there is incidental, the decent blacks want to bugger off too and I bet they make up a significant proportion of the 17000 who left Hackney in 2006.


Just as an aside you won't find many middle class non whites moving to Manor Top..I wonder why? ;)

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Why do I think white people are leaving? Probably for the same reason black people are leaving who are in a position to do so-it's called self improvement.


BritPat earlier playfully highlighted the hypocrisy of Diane Abbott, MP for Hackney, yet sends her kids to private school. Yes hypocritical indeed, but I bet she no nearer lives to Hackney than Nick Clegg lives to Hallam, her backside will never be seen on the number 30 to Hackney Wick.


The poor white working class, want to extricate themselves from the sink estates of bad housing, poor schools and high crime, the fact there are many non white faces there is incidental, the decent blacks want to bugger off too and I bet they make up a significant proportion of the 17000 who left Hackney in 2006.


Just as an aside you won't find many middle class non whites moving to Manor Top..I wonder why? ;)


No I doubt that very much in either case,immigrant areas tend to have more street crime gun crime and tend to become ghettos.I would love to know the percentage of non whites who have left amongst the 17,000 who have moved out,I bet its miniscule.not sure what the manor has to do with this?your in denial like many others but at the end of the day people vote with their feet and move from immigrant areas as soon as they can.

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No I doubt that very much in either case,immigrant areas tend to have more street crime gun crime and tend to become ghettos.
Like the immigrant hotbed of Parson Cross? How many stabbings there this year? You seem to be overlooking the causes of crime and the reasons why poor, poorly educated whites are over represented in the crime demographic as much as poor, poorly educated blacks are-there are common denomintators.


I would love to know the percentage of non whites who have left amongst the 17,000 who have moved out,I bet its miniscule.

Why do you think that? Do you think blacks who better themselves don't want to move away from these areas as much as whites who better themselves do?

not sure what the manor has to do with this?

Well it's a poor area, made up mainly of white folks, yet high levels of crime, below average schools etc..I just thought you might like to ponder the question as to why middle class blacks aren't moving into these areas any more than middle class white's aren't?


Of course there are many lovely people who live on the Manor, many not in a position to extricate themselves, just like many of the blacks in Hackney and other such areas.


your in denial like many others

In denial about what?

but at the end of the day people vote with their feet and move from immigrant areas as soon as they can.

That's why I mentioned the Manor, it's an area with relatively few immigrants but people who are in a position to, vote with their feet and move away as soon as they can..it isn't immigrants they're running away from.
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