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Juice in school drinks bottle - Whats your view?

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My daughter is in year 2 at school. Yesterday she as usual took a drink bottle of orange cordial - sugar free in the classroom as she has done in previous years. The teacher saw this through the clear bottle and told my daughter off telling her she was only allowed water then made her put her drink bottle in her lunch box in the corridor preventing her having it. Am I over reacting in thinking that this is crazy. :loopy:

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we had this discussion last year when a woman went to the star


drinking water in class wont hurt, she can have her orange at break time


when i was at school you got one glass of water with your lunch and that was your lot like it or lump it

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I can see a reason for having the ruling. What I'd probably be annoyed at is if it wasn't brought to my attention (in other words, the drink was confiscated without a prior warning) and there was no other form of rehydration available.



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yes i see your point but a drink this day and age is encouraged. what is the problem with a bit of cordial in it. I feel that it is an worthless battle. Surely the teacher should be dealing with bigger issues than this. This is also their break time drink. The only other way of getting a drink of something other than water is with packed lunch.

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Our school is the same they can drink water all day long but fruit juice or dilute is for there pack ups only and there not allowed to drink from it til dinner time. i do think that water is best til lunch time i know kids dont like water but if you can get away with putting that flavoured water in give her that :-)

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yes being hydrated is encouraged, the best way is to have a glass of water


so you start saying your child needs cordial, the next parent insists on sunny d, then little jonnys mum says he can only drink coke in class..... see where im going with this

simplest way to end that is to say that unless its a part of the meal then water is the only option

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when i was at school you got one glass of water with your lunch and that was your lot like it or lump it


Same here, no drinking in class at all, and only water available at lunch time.


I'm actually quite surprised kids are allowed to drink in class at all.


In respect of the juice/water issue, the school sets the rules and students must abide by them.

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Drink bottles are encouraged. And I am going to give her flavoured water. I feel that parents are being treat like idiots and told what they can and cat do with their own children. She is a healthy and an happy child however a women who has met her twice before can start to over rule me without explanation over an insignificant matter which is nothing to do with my daughters education. If she had explained her reason to me then I would understand however with no prior warning she just confiscated the drink and passed the message on via my 6 year old daughter. I have sent water today as I do not want to make this into an issue for my daughter however i feel the teacher was out of order. Why not send a letter home giving reason for this or tell me in person. My child is not the only one in the class committing this sin lol

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