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Men in their 40s on nights out dressed as teenagers - smarten up !!

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A lot of ' fashionable ' men these days look like inmates, newly-released from concentration camps, in my opinion. Shaven heads, gaunt, blank-eyes and unshaved faces-----all they need is the striped uniform and wooden clogs to complete the picture.

The fat ones have no individual features to speak of-----just round, white blobs with round white faces and billiard ball heads. If you go to any international city you can pick out the Brits quicker than picking out pigs or ant-eaters in a herd of gazelles.


Classic. A lot of people show all the imagination and effort in their appearance as a bowl of porridge.

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Surely when you get to 40 (I'm there!) you know what you feel comfortable wearing in each social situation and it's up to you. I wear what I want to out of work, sometimes it's jeans, sometimes it's a dress. It's up to me.


Personally, I find suits sweaty and generally haven't been washed for a while so I probably wouldn't fancy a man in a suit (unless it's a mod suit) I prefer jeans, converse and a tshirt on someone or a bit of individuality.


I am old enough though to wish some men would pull their trousers up though. :hihi:

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Goodness me, what is it with men in their 40s who go on a night out dressed up in clothes that are designed to be worn by 18 year old lads? it looks absolutely reduculous, a pot belly, greying hair and a ted baker t shirt + diesel jeans.


Why do men in their 40s aspire to dress like an 18 year old? whatever next, if we carry on like this (men never growing up) sooner or later, men will be going out wearing coats with gloves attached to their coat sleeves.


Women - they dress for there age on a night out, nice flowing dress, puppys well covered up and their hair all done up.

Come on men, make an effort - put a shirt and tie on. For god sake, you stand out like a sore thumb and you look absolutley stupid. Instead of slouching when at the bar, why not set an example to the young? stick you chest out, shoulders back and stand to attention


What a load of old rot. Some the hatchet faced old bags I used to see stumbling down West Street in what appeared to be their underwear would be enough to put you off the other sex permanantly.


What do you propose men wear when out with friends having a drink.


Why not wear t-shirts and jeans?


Should it be beige chinos, deck shoes and a blazer ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think it matters what a 40 year old man wears when he's out as long as he's clean is there an age limit on wearing certain clothes? I know loads of men in their 40's who look better now than they did it their 20's

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Women - they dress for there age on a night out, nice flowing dress, puppys well covered up and their hair all done up.


Have you ever been in town on a Saturday night at kicking out time? Mutton dressed as lamb, springs to mind.

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Goodness me, what is it with men in their 40s who go on a night out dressed up in clothes that are designed to be worn by 18 year old lads? it looks absolutely reduculous, a pot belly, greying hair and a ted baker t shirt + diesel jeans.


Why do men in their 40s aspire to dress like an 18 year old? whatever next, if we carry on like this (men never growing up) sooner or later, men will be going out wearing coats with gloves attached to their coat sleeves.


Women - they dress for there age on a night out, nice flowing dress, puppys well covered up and their hair all done up.


Come on men, make an effort - put a shirt and tie on. For god sake, you stand out like a sore thumb and you look absolutley stupid. Instead of slouching when at the bar, why not set an example to the young? stick you chest out, shoulders back and stand to attention


Which year did the archaeologists dig you up then?

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