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Hallam Union Last Night (19/11/05) Who else tried?


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Anyone attempt to get into Hallam Union for SHEFF1 last night (without a ticket)?


I usually tend to avoid the place after having bad experiences in the past but was persuaded to attend last night. We arrived to queue as usual around 9:30pm, waited in this queue until 11:15 when a bouncer told us that there was a private party upstairs and that the queue was one in one out because they had also sold over the club's capacity in tickets!!?? This was before anyone from the non-ticket queue had been let it.....


Does anyone know if the HUBs has gone all ticket (like Sheff uni) or is this simply yet another social event **** up by Hallam union?


Either make the event ticket only or don't sell any at all! Having this half and half system only confuses people. Having the no ticket as a majority of people is not perfect but it seemed to always work with the good old NMB.


The union's busiest night and there was a private party booked?:loopy: (i'm not taking that as gospel)



Any info on this would be appreciated.






PS- We finally left the queue at 11:30 without getting in or indeed moving an inch forward....

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I don't understand what's so good about the Hallam Union anyway. I used to go there alot last year but my god, all there was to do was Queue, queue, queue and then inside it's rubbish it's just like a gutted out building with some colours on the wall and a rubbish bottle/optics bar with crappy bar staff. I don't go at the moment simply because I won't queue for their goddam crap!

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Originally posted by mkdr21

Does anyone know if the HUBs has gone all ticket (like Sheff uni)


SHEFF1 and Stardust both have tickets sold in advance from the Union Shop, which are also cheaper than paying on the door.

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