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Beware meanlingless Degrees

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Nothing to do with labours push to get 50% of school leavers into university despite it not being the natural choice for them, or the fact that a student on a course, any course, means income for the university and they all have to be run like businesses now!


It was more about choice than pushing to 'get' people into university. The concept that university is not the natural choice for some people is extremely elitist don't you think? Before the push to extend tertiary education to as many as possible people were forced at an early age to make a choice as to what they wanted to do with their lives. Now, the opportunity to at least attempt a university education is open to many more and,if they find it's not suitable, they can still pursue an alternative career.


Would you have the choices taken off people, in effect pulling up the drawbridge now that you have your degree?

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It was more about choice than pushing to 'get' people into university. The concept that university is not the natural choice for some people is extremely elitist don't you think? Before the push to extend tertiary education to as many as possible people were forced at an early age to make a choice as to what they wanted to do with their lives. Now, the opportunity to at least attempt a university education is open to many more and,if they find it's not suitable, they can still pursue an alternative career.


Would you have the choices taken off people, in effect pulling up the drawbridge now that you have your degree?

You’d have to be sat 'way out there man' left of Chairman Mao to think it's elitist to acknowledge that not everybody is suited to an academic path in life.


Degrees should be available only to those who show the highest academic or vocational aptitude for the subject they wish to study. It should be a privilege, not a right.

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It was more about choice than pushing to 'get' people into university. The concept that university is not the natural choice for some people is extremely elitist don't you think?

No, I think it acknowledges the reality that some people are more capable at academic pursuits than others. Despite the socialist dream, we are not all equal in all abilities.

Before the push to extend tertiary education to as many as possible people were forced at an early age to make a choice as to what they wanted to do with their lives. Now, the opportunity to at least attempt a university education is open to many more and,if they find it's not suitable, they can still pursue an alternative career.

Having built up a rather large debt.


The option should be open to people, but universities should be free to reject people on the grounds of insufficient academic ability. Saying that something should be possible for everyone doesn't mean that it should be guaranteed for everyone. A meritocratic education system is reasonable.


Would you have the choices taken off people, in effect pulling up the drawbridge now that you have your degree?


If the choices are taken away from them because they lack ability, then yes.

I don't have the choice of joining the England Olympic Athletics team. That's because my athletic ability isn't sufficient. Further education should be the same.

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I take it you didn't achieve your degree then. :hihi:


At the time that I qualified, the qualification that I attained was considered to be slightly below degree level. Only about 3% of people got degrees in that era.

The qualification is much above the level of todays degrees as anybody can get one.:)

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My "worthless" film degree currently has me sat here getting ready to go to work at BAFTA in LA.


What a complete waste my degree turned out o be eh?


It's not the degree it's what you do with it afterwards.


Don't forget your sweeping brush and tea/coffee trolley now will you?:hihi:

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I have several Indian friends in Illiford/london. Most Indian familes feel it is a must to have a degree. Most will go for BS degrees, waste their time and usually cost parent 30/40k. If these that go for useless degrees started working 4 yrs ealier thay would have not only saved 30/40k but earnt on top of that. My friend said its like a competition between parents. Most favoured degrees are in medicine, engineering and law by this community

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