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Washing machines live longer with Calgon.

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No, there's no problem with the clothes. All it does, effectively is soften the water! It probably does something else too, but I'm no scientist!..lol.....I use them in every wash! It would be the same if I didn't filter my water that went into the kettle, and only put filtered water in once a week. The times I didn't use it would still cause damage. If you 'get' my analogy! Hope that makes sense. In a word, (5 actually) 'use it all the time!'

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To de-fur a kettle or iron,simply put in white vinigar, leave overnight aqnd rinse well next day,job done for about eighty pence,it will also do your shower head.


Once a week do a hot wash in your washing machine with a serving spoonful of washing soda. This will also bring out greacy marks on your clothes alongside soap powder. You can also use soda for spring cleaning your kitchen at a fraction of the price of fancy cleaners.

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Thanks for that Annina. But surely prevention is better than cure? When I said I 'did' my kettle within 3 months, I meant it overheated and didn't work any more, cos of the limescale. Ok it may have been a faulty kettle which went 'pop' for some other reason, but it's my guess the limescale caused it.


The vinegar works brilliant on the shower head, cos of course I've got no way of filtering that water. I have used it myself to great effect!

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I live in Barnsley and the water is not too good. I don't know if it's hard or what, but limescale is a real problem.


Isn't the real test as to whether you live in a soft water area evident when you take a shower or bath? (Do people still take baths these days?) Your bubble bath/shower gel will remain on your sponge forever.

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Mind you, I did look on the Yorkshire water link, and can confirm that where I live the water Is hard water. (Wombwell), so it's just as well I take the precautions I do. I 'did' a kettle in less than about 3 months before I realised. It got completely furred up, and I had to replace it. I've had a new kettle now, and been using it with the filtered water and it's still pristine. I dread to think what the gubbins in my washing machine would be like if I didn't use those tablets.
When I moved up here from Essex, my kettle was pretty badly furred up, but now, 5 or so years down the line in Sheffield, my kettle is again completely clear :)
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