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Changes to the water hardness in Sheffield

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Guest sibon
This explains the poor quality and foul tastes of water in recent months. Why has the blend had to be changed? Why are we getting a drop in quality and such a huge hike in prices?


It is better for your teeth Darth. And possibly your heart. And for making beer.


Beer isn't better for your heart though:)

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just be thankfull we arent in the good old US of A with their horrible strongly chlorinated water you cant make tea with! no wonder they drink so much "cawfee" :-)


Eeugh. Can't stand the smell of chlorine. (yes, I know some smartass will come along say chlorine doesn't smell except when .....)

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  • 2 years later...

we have enjoyed the soft water of yorshire for hundreds of years it's the best water in the country, makes the best cup of tea no horrid after taste, if you go down Norfolk it's s hard as it can cat it's barely drinkable we have bottled water when we go there, every time you boil a kettle you see a scum on the cups in the kettle, in the bath it doesn't wash clothes right you can't get a good lather from the soap we need to be thankful for the water we have here and the water companies should leave it as it was, they are only doing it to make more money for their shareholders they should not tamper with what gave us for free please we should all fight this move x

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