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Gay blood donor ban to be lifted

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Levels of risk have to be accepted the question is what risk level makes blood donation worse than not collecting the blood.


That would be a sensible position to take - apropos of which, a board of scientists has now concluded that when it comes to homosexuals the risk level is not high enough to reach that mark.

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Another question, are you daft enough to suggest that we should ban all heterosexuals and just have none sexually active people give blood, given that people become sexually active now in their teens ?


That what he's driving at. Its amazing how far people will go counter "homophobia".


People like HN dont view a ban on gays giving blood as a precautionary measure, they view it as discrimination :roll:

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That would be a sensible position to take - apropos of which, a board of scientists has now concluded that when it comes to homosexuals the risk level is not high enough to reach that mark.


If that is true all is well, however, the original article cited mentioned concerns re equality.


There should be absolutely no concerns re equality especially if such concerns temper the real risk analysis.


There is no equality issue worth considering.


Gays are not being refused donated blood, anyone barred from donating as distinct from receiving donations suffers no disadvantage.

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There is no such thing as "gay blood."


You don't get told from which donors the blood originated, because nobody knows.

But if we did have gay men give blood and someone was to contract aids through a transplant, then there will be cried of it being down to 'gay blood' so the argument that letting them give blood will somehow quell discrimination is a false one because it will in effect cause more discrimination.


You may jest about gay blood but that's exactly the argument that will get thrown up once the percentage of people becoming infected goes on the rise.


Think things through.

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