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Gay blood donor ban to be lifted

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Your having an argument for arguments sake, you cannot be this stupid surely ?

Do you know what percentages, risk factors, risk assessments and probability is ?



My point is that, based on your arguments for the last three pages, you don't. It is your position which would lead to taking blood only from virgins. I've been trying to point out how ridiculous that is.

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the gay men there is a higher percentage of gay men with it. The problem is not as big in heterosexuals as the percentages of gay men with aids is much greater.

Indeed, which is why there is a 12 month deferall for gay men. It limits the donation of blood to men who have not been sexually active for the past year because it is possible to screen their blood easier than it was before.


Your anology could now be 100 hetrosexual people give blood and 2 (2%) may be HIV+, and 10 non-active* gay men give blood and 2 (20%) may be HIV+. There is indeed a larger risk, but those two are now able to be screened much better than we previously were able and banning the entire group is deemed unneccesary.


Sexually active gay-men are still in an 'at risk' group and are still banned.




*Non-active = Not sexually active in the past 12 months.

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I would prefer not to have homo blood dripped into me. But if I were unconcious, don't suppose you would know, would you.






Perhaps you should sign a consent form stating that you do not want any blood transfusion under any circumstances, you never know you may end up with homo blood inside you.

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Oh right so your argument is that if an heterosexual person has aids and can give blood it will be found in the screening so why not with homosexual men ?


No one is suggesting it would not, from what can be seen, but that's not the argument, the argument is about percentages and probability. If you increase the likely hood of more people giving blood as having the disease then you increase the chances of cross infection and the risk of transmission to those working with the blood. Its reasonable to cut down the odds and that is exactly what it is about and nothing to do with the reliability of the screening test.


Interestingly you cannot donate blood in the USA as it is deemed it to risky for the person potentially receiving your blood.

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