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Gay blood donor ban to be lifted

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I never knew such a ban was in place!


In bizarre coincidence just the other day I realised looking at an old post that you hadn't posted for very long time indeed.....I feared bad things. Good to see you're still typing.

Yes indeed its bad... Im Back ! :hihi:


Thanks mate, good to see some recognizable names still on myself ;)

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They are keeping a ban on men who have had homosexual sex in the last 12 months to eliminate the blind period when HIV is undetectable.


Removing the blanket ban seems fair enough to me.


I wonder if I'm still banned from giving blood? I was banned on the grounds of having worked in Africa for many years, but I don't know how long the ban lasts, or whether it is to stop the spread of HIV or Malaria (or both).

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What is the link between homosexuality and HIV?


Is there a scientific explanation?

Yes, I think its because, as we all know, that it can be passed on in sperm but then add into the mix rectal bleeding and wallah, a positive out come.


No, Im not 100% to be honest but my theory sounds plausible to me.

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Yes, I think its because, as we all know, that it can be passed on in sperm but then add into the mix rectal bleeding and wallah, a positive out come.


No, Im not 100% to be honest but my theory sounds plausible to me.




It's not very accurate.


But thanks.

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actually its probably more to do with the rectal passages ability to absorb things into the blood stream, pretty much as in if you stick a small amount of alcohol up there you can get smashed.







Don't ask :hihi:








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I know the evidence seems to point to it being ok to do so but I still have a uneasy feeling about this,in fact Im not comfortable with it,even the slightest risk of contracting aids has to be not worth the risk.

:huh: So you don't think that people who've had heterosexual sex should be able to donate either then?

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If you know the answer than why ask the bloody question ?


Actually my second theory is probably on the money, would you care to throw a real comment at it ?


I said thanks.


Stay polite.


I don't know the answer.


But I know when an answer is not accurate enough.


This O___° was a reaction to the alcohol thingy.

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I said thanks.


Stay polite.


I don't know the answer.


But I know when an answer is not accurate enough.


This O___° was a reaction to the alcohol thingy.

Arr but do you? how could you?


Just because my answer sounds stupid does not mean you should rule it out (although I just about did even as I was typing it, hence my second theory).


I remember reading that you can get really drunk on a couple of shots of spirit if it is put up the rectal passage, something to do with it getting absorbed directly into the blood stream and the passages ability to absorb it easily. That's why it seemed logical that if sperm can transmit the disease it would be more dangerous than say swallowing it. Someone will be on to tell us the real reason but until then I am putting all my chips on this theory as its the most logical to me.


Sorry if I sounded off key.

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