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Gay blood donor ban to be lifted

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Because a committe of scientists have decided that it isn't a risk anymore.

A committee of scientists think that global warming is something to worry over and another committee think that it is not, your statement is nothing to go on at all. Let those scientists be the first to get a transfusion then.

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your statement is nothing to go on at all.

I never said their knowledge was infallible. My point was that they've done more work on the subject than I have.


Do you have any scientific reason to say that infected blood will have a greater chance of passing the tests undetected when it comes from a gay person?

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"Nightlight's List of Blood Donors Who Make Him Feel Uneasy"





East Europeans


Anyone to the left of Genghis Khan (wasn't he a Muslim?)

Genghis Khan

Women (don't want to risk turning into a gay boy)

Anyone who eats halal meat

Do gooders

Members of the PC Brigade

Anyone he's been in a relationship with and packed him


Poor Nightlight, who does that leave? :suspect:

I wonder if teeth grinding nationalists are socially minded enough to donate blood? :hihi:


Sheffield United supporters. :suspect:

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I never said their knowledge was infallible. My point was that they've done more work on the subject than I have.


Do you have any scientific reason to say that infected blood will have a greater chance of passing the tests undetected when it comes from a gay person?

Oh right so your argument is that if an heterosexual person has aids and can give blood it will be found in the screening so why not with homosexual men ?


No one is suggesting it would not, from what can be seen, but that's not the argument, the argument is about percentages and probability. If you increase the likely hood of more people giving blood as having the disease then you increase the chances of cross infection and the risk of transmission to those working with the blood. Its reasonable to cut down the odds and that is exactly what it is about and nothing to do with the reliability of the screening test.

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There is an slightly increased risk from the type of sex gay men have - but the main increase in risk is simply because it got into the gay community first, and statistically gay men tend to have sex with other gay men. If it had got into heterosexuals first, then it would be more prevalent in straight men and women.


There is some dubious logic here

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If you increase the likely hood of more people giving blood as having the disease

The risks of homosexuals donating blood and the benefits of allowing more people to donate have been considered, and it has deemed negligible enough to lift the ban.


[Committee member Prof Deirdre Kelly said ...] the data showed that "the risk from a 12-month deferral was equivalent to permanent deferral" so "the evidence does not support the maintenance of a permanent ban".

It is an argument about the screening test because the article mentions advances made in this field.


If you argue that gay men can't donate blood because they have a higher chance of having aids, then the same logic applies to all the sexually active population, because they have a higher chance aswell. Then we're on a cycle of excluding people from the process when we need their blood. It's a cost-benefit analysis essentially. The benefits of allowing more people to donate, combined with the advances in screening, now out-weigh the risks of allowing this group of people to donate.

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