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The double standard of religious exemptions.


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..and what do you think that would do for social cohesion-help it or hinder it?


Why don't we get the police to arrest people who wear wigs or have lary tattoos..or best of all sweaty men who wear football strips of synthetic fibre, I find them particularly offensive.


Social cohesion?

Your having a laugh.

As for the rest well mate, your just clutching at straws. People who wear wigs or have lary tattoos..or best of all sweaty men who wear football strips of synthetic fibre arent the issue here.

Although on a peronsal note i cant help but agree with the last one.


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At present not enough.

If the garb was banned then sure there would be an increase in searches, police time and what have you but only in the short term.


Sorry, you've lost me-what's the connection between the burka and police searches? I'm afraid it isn't obvious.


As soon as out islamic friends get the message that their stupid ideals arent welcome here they may then realise they have to fall in line with the rest of us.

Or go live somewhere else.


Frankly what other people do isn't my concern, I don't like to stick my nose in other folks business and since their "stupid ideals" don't affect me one iota, I think I'll maintain that position as far as Muslims are concerned.

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Sorry, you've lost me-what's the connection between the burka and police searches? I'm afraid it isn't obvious.




Frankly what other people do isn't my concern, I don't like to stick my nose in other folks business and since their "stupid ideals" don't affect me one iota, I think I'll maintain that position as far as Muslims are concerned.



Well done you.

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Could you tell me what these "conditional restrictions" are, I can't find anywhere reference to it being an offence to cover your face unless you're required to reveal your identity.


As usual you're getting things muddled up.


Censuring Muslim women for wearing the burka would actually represent a change in the law, since no such prohibition currently exists, so far from the current situation being an exemption, it would actually be changing the law to make a special case of people who wear face coverings for religious reasons, even though there's no comprehensive evidence demonstrating a link between burka wearers and crime.

There is a link between burka wearers and crime, but it's either not being reported in the UK on the scale which caused France to ban the burka, and Australia to seriously review their current laws, or, as you seem to suggest, UK criminals haven't cottoned on yet.
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Social cohesion?
Absolutely, when the state starts to interfere in the personal freedoms of it's citizens it tends to create a negative reaction and not just from the people this interference affects directly.

Your having a laugh.

No, not yet that comes later if you continue contributing to this thread ;)

As for the rest well mate, your just clutching at straws.

Why? What's the fundamental difference, your advocating the prohibition of a garment for which no prohibition currently exists and without any properly researched evidence to link it to criminality or indecency which could be the only reasons on which to ban it.

People who wear wigs or have lary tattoos..or best of all sweaty men who wear football strips of synthetic fibre arent the issue here.

But they could be next time, when the thought police are flexing their muscles if ever they were successful in proscribing another item of clothing or personal appearance.
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How many criminals have committed their crime wearing a burqa in the UK?


The burqa is not banned for the simple reason that there is no valid reason why it should be.


If criminals start wearing burqas when they commit their crime then banning the burqa might be considered.


They have do and continue to use this garment to commit crime.

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There is a link between burka wearers and crime, but it's either not being reported in the UK on the scale which caused France to ban the burka, and Australia to seriously review their current laws, or, as you seem to suggest, UK criminals haven't cottoned on yet.


Would you like to provide this evidence so it can be debated properly or are we going to discuss something on the basis of false assumptions and conjecture again?


The ban in France had nothing to do with criminality by the way.

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