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The best thing about yorkshire???


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Agent ****,

Your comment re smog and the high asthma rate caused amusement. One reflects that you might have enjoyed living in 1920s Sheffield, when Rickets was not unheard of, and Diptheria spread through Brightside. Those were the days, eh? LOL.

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Take away the shire and you've got the answer: York.


Whilst not wishing to do my own city a disservice, I absolutely love the city of York (despite the local Lib Dems' efforts to ruin the place, but that's another argument).


I love the history of the place. You can feel it and breathe it. It's so romantic, walking through the quiet streets at night, the Minster and other buildings, Lendal Bridge for example lit up. When you exit Ye Old Star Inn and see the Minster Tower in all its glory, especially, as I have just said, at night, lit up. The lights twinkling on the River Ouse at night.


In spring, the daffodils on the walls (ramparts) and to walk through Museum Gardens and see the crocuses, to see new life and to feel and smell it in the air. The bars and the walls, the rivers and places like Clifford's Tower (history and mystery entwined). Little backstreet cafes, vaulted-ceiling pubs like Lendal Cellars. The water-depth chart inside the King's Arms which shows the respective levels of flood waters (1982 and 2000 make interesting reading. As you stand at the bar they are above your head).


My soul is in York, my heart most definitely is.


But I love Sheffield, in a worn-out-pair-of-comfy-jeans way.

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The best thing about Yorkshire is feeling that you belong here. I have lived here all my life apart from a few months in Essex. When I was leaving, I thought "oh good going to live somewhere decent at last". How wrong I was. I lived in a lovely picturesque small town (Saffron Walden) in a lovely new apartment, but never settled, neither did my partner. In the end, when his job finished, we could have gone anywhere, other jobs were offered "down south" but we chose to return to our native Yorkshire.


It was lovely to be somewhere where everyone understood you, no one looked down on you and people seemed to be more "on your wavelength" and less class conscious. Also in Essex they failed to enjoy a good night out, most of the pubs where I lived were a bit dead, apart from at Christmas. Someone actually said to me, when talking about nights out, that going out for a nights drinking was more of a "northern" thing!


When youve been away for months, and return, the Yorkshire accent is like manna from heaven!

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Originally posted by timo

Agent ****,

Your comment re smog and the high asthma rate caused amusement. One reflects that you might have enjoyed living in 1920s Sheffield, when Rickets was not unheard of, and Diptheria spread through Brightside. Those were the days, eh? LOL.


Diptheria.... mmmmmm my favourite.

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Best things about Yorkshire cos you can't just narrow it down to one


Yorkshire puddings

Yorkshire People

Hendersons Relish

Getting a pint and it don't look like the barman/maid has relieved themselves in it - i.e it has a head.

Things is cheap but not nasty

The way we talk


er sure I can think of some more but that is all for now lol

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