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The best thing about yorkshire???


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In no particular order of importance friendly people, fish cakes, hendersons relish, public transport, the cities, the countryside, the coast, the accent, the history, all the roads leading to Yorkshire, our belief in ourselves, speaking our minds, the food, the drink, the water, the air, the soil and the grit to be able to call a southern jessie a southern jessie.


Now as an ex-pat I've come over all homesick:cry:

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I think it is the bluff, independent air of the people. This can, on occasion, descend into selfish rudeness, but on the whole the truthfulness with candour one encounters in the county is admirable. Some, such as the Anthropologist Beddoe, trace the bluff, dour independence back through the great numbers of freehold farmers [often weaver-farmers] in the Ridings to the days of the Danelaw, when there were more freemen in Yorkshire than in most other, if not all, counties. Perhaps we, their descendants, carry on their proud, confident airs today?


I am exiled in darkest Lancashire at the moment. Here, the people are perfectly pleasant and, in truth, friendlier and more trustworthy than most. However, I miss my Sheffield family and friends and regret that I cannot see them as often as I would like. I miss the people, their accents, their Anglian/Viking looks [for every area of Britain still has aggregates of physical characteristics, for those with the eyes to perceive such traits], their humour and their kindness. The latter quality is not always immediately apparent to the outsider, because of the dour, seemingly unsentimental veneer of the people, especially Sheffielders. However, kindness runs deep in the Yorkshire people, though [as Beddoe acknowledged], Yorkshiremen make 'terrible enemies as well as staunch friends'.


Yes, I think it is the air of bluff independence that defines and best represents Yorkshire. I am very, very proud to be a son of the county and of Sheffield. I will love both dearly with all my heart, for the rest of my life.


I too am exiled in Lancs (40 yrs) and endorse everything above. Been "home" today and love it. Who knows i may retire there now my missionary days in Lancashire are nearly over..

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