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Recurring dreams

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I keep havin the same dream, i had an arguement with an old close friend, they then ride a bike all the way across sheffield to my work to see me, where i completely ignore them, they then ride off and i chase them for about a mile feeling bad for ignoring them, wen i finally catch themi always awake before we speak, ive never had recurring dreams in the past and i was just wondering if anybody had any knowledge of what this could mean?

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Exactly this, why does everything have to mean something?


It's just your brain's screensaver!


Anyone who's paid close attention to their dreams can tell you that that's not always true.


My dreams are frequently related to what's going on in my life, often completely transparently. It's one of the great narcissistic pleasures, examining your own dreams for meanings and figuring out where they came from.

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I keep havin the same dream, i had an arguement with an old close friend, they then ride a bike all the way across sheffield to my work to see me, where i completely ignore them, they then ride off and i chase them for about a mile feeling bad for ignoring them, wen i finally catch themi always awake before we speak, ive never had recurring dreams in the past and i was just wondering if anybody had any knowledge of what this could mean?

Although I don't profess to being an expert on these things, I feel I'm qualified enough to translate your dream (I used to have a column in the 'Daily Star')


Your 'friend' is in actual fact Bernard Matthews (am I right or am I right?) and you've had a bit of a contretemps with him over the price of stuffed turkey breasts and the cheese like contents of the breasts therein. (ring any bells eh?!)

Bernard then rides all the way up from Norfolk on his unicycle (not 'across Sheffield'), in a desperate attempt to appease your bemoanings, bringing with him, his latest turkey twizzlers as a kind of peace offering (Harsh but true!)

He arrives at your domicile, announcing his arrival with a jolly ring of his unicycle bell and a brave (but heart renderingly honest) smile on his face.


You then eschew his platitudes by throwing rotten vegetables at him from your bedroom window as well as anything else which comes to hand (true or what?)

Bernard, now turned to tears, and wiping away a mouldering cabbage from his handlebars (It's a custom made unicycle which does indeed have handlebars, due to his incapacity to balance properly, mainly due to the horrific turkey pecking incident), realising that he's lost a true friend, does a back flip and sadly sets back off to solitary existence of his farm in Norfolk, raising a hand in a fond adieu to a now lost friend.


It's at this point that you realise that amongst the stuff you chucked at him, you must have jettisoned your Blockbuster video card and set off in hot pursuit to retrieve it in your Lamborghini Murcealago (This still making sense to you eh?)

By the time you apprehend him at South Mimms services (he'd took the long route back), he's been reduced to a gibbering wreck.


At this point, in your 'dream' ... you wake up as you say.

In actual fact you don't! ... this is still a dream, everything you're reading here is unreal ... the screen you're looking at is make believe! Your alarm clock will go off in a quarter of an hour and everything will return to normality.

You never physically wrote this thread, and you're just having a dream about a dream! ... Dont' worry! :)

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Anyone who's paid close attention to their dreams can tell you that that's not always true.
Well yeah they'll tell you that, but its almost certainly due to confirmation bias.


My dreams are frequently related to what's going on in my life
Of course they are! That doesn't mean that they have any significance or can tell you anything useful about your subconcious mind.
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I have read that Your dreams is really a subconscious part of your own psyche which deals with things that you may not do in your own waking life. Since the scenario seems to direct. Have you got a friend that you have not gotten in touch with but that you would like to, and have been missing them?


I have had more odd and abstract dreams before, like falling. I now know that is related to my own anxiety as a child. Something happens in my real life that I cannot do anything about, and then in my dreams, I sense that I lost control of the situation and keep on falling and falling. This sensation generates a "scared" feeling within me. I still recall these kind of memories. It is only recently that I looked online to see what falling dreams mean, and then find the mental association as to what was happening around that time of my life.


I also recently had a dream where I planted grass for a living ! :hihi: Then I was selling this grass, and I was so delighted and happy about it. I remember feeling happy, and it was a "good" dream. I read online that:




To see green grass in your dream suggests that there is a part of yourself that you can always rely on. The dream is also symbolic of natural protection. Also consider the phrase "the grass is always greener on the other side." Do you always compare yourself with others and look at what other people have?


To dream that you are planting grass indicates that your hard work and efforts will pay off in the end."


These comments are very very true. Cos I was contemplating on changing something entirely about my career, but in effect, it was only say 30% of that role, and that I can indeed fit much better in a different company and so forth? The mental association is not coming through to my mind yet, but I know that I definitely should not need to change a whole new direction which I originally thought I should.


Go with your gut instinct as to how you think that dream is about, and what has happened to your life which could have caused this etc. When you have time to think about things on your own, often than not, these kind of ideas and understanding will come to your mind.

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